__ A Mediocre At Best Party __

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A few days have passed since the day at the park

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A few days have passed since the day at the park. One was still dealing with this godforsaken demon. He was lying on his bed, tired. Those days have just been pretty awful. He's been feeling generally awful about this damn demon in him. He was way caught up in his mind, thinking about how to expel the demon from his body. A ritual? No, too risky. Holy water? Why would you even get that? "Hi, One!" Four said. One jumped a little, Four jumpscared him. "O-Oh! Hey, Four." One replied. "So, I was wondering. There's going to be a huge party at the mushroom Kingdom today, and Luigi planned it." Four said. "And I was wondering if you could join."

"Oh, a party?" One said. He was a bit nervous about joining or not. On one hand, it could be fun! But on the other hand... 01. Yeah, that's the problem. What if 01 takes over during the party and tries to hurt everyone? That's what One was scared of the most. "...Well... I guess I could join..." One said. "Oh! Good." Four replied. "Party starts in 40 minutes." He said, leaving his room. One now had to prepare for the party. It depends on fate, for 01 not to take over during the party. So, One got ready for the party, putting on a fancy suit. 20 minutes of getting ready later, he was completely ready for the party. And if anything bad happens during this party... Oh boy, he's not going to have a very good chat with 01.


6:30 P.M.



The party has started 3 minutes ago, and everyone is already having a blast. Meggy and Sakio were having fun whacking moles, Tari was enjoying her ducks, Melony, Mario and Two were all playing just dance, Four, Luigi and Wimpu were talking about how life was going for all of them, everyone was just having a lot of fun. Except for... You know, One. He was still being a bit anxious about 01 ruining everything. SMG1 noticed 01 slowly form in front of him. "Hmmm, y'knøw, I've been thinking." 01 said. "Yøu knøw, these peøple yøu deem yøur friends, and that pissball yøu call yøur brøther?"

"...Høw abøut I take øver and KILL them? ALL øf them? I cøuld be standing øver them... And EAT their last breaths, while yøu, yes, yøu, cøuldn't be able tø ANYTHING tø støp it. But... Hey! That's all just thøughts! It's nøt like I'm gønna ANYTHING tø them, right?"

SMG1 simply gave 01 the death glare as he move to another table, whispering for him to shut up. "Oh, HeLlO, bLuE lEgO gUy." A voice called out to him. Oh. It's bob. Of course he would be here. And of course he would be here drinking with Rob. "I dIdNt ExPeCt YoU tO bE hErE." "Me neither." Rob added. "Oh... Hey, Bob. Hey, Rob." One replied. "So, WhAt'S wItH tHe LoNg FaCe?" Bob asked.

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