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Why does it feel different, to be home? It feels really different. I hadn't got the chance, to speak to Dr.Yang. "Sweetie, why are you still standing there?" Pops says laughing and grabbing my hand to bring me to the kitchen. "Is something wrong, Sunny" Ma asks, as she bites into her sandwich. I shake my head, forcing a smile and sitting down. "I was just day dreaming" I lie, for the first time. They believe it. "Aiden called, a hour ago." She says, as she sips from her coffee. "What did he say?" She smiles before she answers me. "He said; they will be here in-" she looks at the clock and nods. "15 minutes" I nod and start eating a little bit.

"You know, Aiden loves you or?" Now I'm looking confused at her. "He loves you, Sunny. And that since the little boy he was" I shake my head. We are best friends, since I can think. And he has a Girlfriend. "He has a girlfriend. And I'm sick" My gaze lowering and I start playing with the cheese on my Plate. "You're not disabled, Sunny. You are sick." Pops says, grabbing my chin and lifting my face. They know, I want to experience Love. But who would want a Sick girlfriend? I wouldn't wish that for someone.

The Bell rings, Ma standing up and getting it. Pops smiles at me and drinks his Coffee empty. "Honey" I turn around and there he is. My best friend. He sits next to me and kisses my cheek. And now I see the other boys. Why are they here? Since when did we become, so close.. That would hurt them more, if I die.. I find my way back to the reality and put a smile on. "I have a question" all of them shut up and the silence in this room, is awkward. "Could we have a adventure, today?" I ask and all 10 pair of eyes at me.

"Anything.." I whisper. "Of course, Honey" Aiden breaks the silence and laughs. And I thought it would be silence.. "where do you want to go?" Bryan asks, the first time.. all of our faces, shocked. We never heard, Bryan saying something..like he would do this all the time. "Ehmm" I think they could see my brain working. "Hiking?" Ace says and Aiden says a big 'NO'. I know why he says that.. I'm sick, my heart wouldn't make it to a hiking. "Why?" Ace asks looking directly at Aiden. "Doesn't need a Reason" Aiden mumbles as he drinks my water. My sickness is a big topic for Aiden. If I want to do something, that affects my Sickness. He prohibits it.

"Swim?" I say and the eyes of Ace sparkle. He nods rapidly but Aiden groans and says 'No' again! "But-" Aiden cuts me off and his eyes, if eyes could kill.. I would be already dead. "No is no." He stands up and starts to pace around. I know he is thinking, thinking of what an adventure we can do.. which wouldn't make me weaker. Aiden stops and a big smile on his face. "Go get ready, Honey" he says as he helps me to stand up. "Not so fast" he reminds me, as I was ready to run out of the kitchen. A quietly groan leaves my lips and I walk.. slowly.

2 hour later

"Why" Ice whines the 10th time, now. Yeah.. Aiden brought us to a park. "Shut up" Bryan growls at Ice and walks faster so he can walk next to me. Aiden puts our food and stuff we will need later to a bench and I start to run, slowly to the swing. I sit down and before I could swing myself. I feel two hands on my back and I'm pushed. My eyes travel to the boys to make sure, all of them are there. Bryan. "Yeah, thanks for the push. Bryan" I say and he starts to laugh. "Did you thought, I was some kind of creepy guy?" I nod and the embarrassment grows.

"Wouldn't allow that" he mumbles quietly. "Should I push faster?" His deep voice asks and I swear the hairs on my neck are standing. "Yes" shit why did I whisper? He starts to chuckle and then again, I feel his hands on my back. He was about to push me when Aiden run to us and blocked us the way. "No" Aiden says pointing at me, to stand up. I pout and cross my arms. "Sunny, stand up" Aiden's calming voice says. A groan leaves my lips and I stand up. Walking past Aiden, I'm mad. "Honey" I hear him call after me, but I don't give a shit.

He thinks wrapping me around plastic and never letting me do something. Would help me to never die. He knows, that I would die someday. But he thinks it's in 20 years or something like that. "Sunny" a hand grabs my wrist and I feel myself crash into a chest. A hand behind my head and a arm around my waist. "Sunny" his husky voice whispers my name and I feel myself go weak. "Bryan" I look up and met emerald green eyes. "You want ice cream?" He asks and I can see a little bit pink on his cheeks. Is he blushing?? Awwwwwww

I nod and he lets go of me. But grabs my hand and walks to the ice cream man. I never had a crush. When I say it, I mean it! I never really felt my heart go crazy for someone.. I don't know why, but it never happened. So I don't know, if my heart goes crazy right now or not. Bryan has long legs and his steps are big. So I stop him causing him to look behind him. He sees me panting and a big smirk grows on his lips. "Your steps-" I point to his feet and put my hands on my knees. "Too big for my little ones" I finally breathe out and Look up just to meet a soft face. "Stop being dramatic" Bryan laughs and lifts me from the ground.


The end of chapter 5. Guys I don't know if I have grammatic fails or vocabulary errors but I'm trying. English was never my first Language..I clearly understand it and can also speak it.. but to write something in English is a little bit difficult for me. I just hope, it wouldn't be a problem for all of you!😇

I try my best to update more, but I'm in a apprenticeship to become an early childhood educator. So it's stressful to update😩 but I'll try my best!!

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