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2 days later

I got a call from Dr.Yang yesterday. I'm sitting in his office in the hospital. "Sunny" I look up and meet his smiling face. "We need to talk" I nod and lean forward. "But I would like you to start" he points at me and leans in his chair back. I sigh and lean back. "Do I have a second chance?" I ask not looking up. I can hear him sigh. "Yes-" I look surprised and he shakes his head. "But it's not 100% sure that it would make anything better" he ends his sentence.

Woah how fast my hope got killed. "But we can try?" I ask, hoping to much. He nods slowly and leans forward. "But I wouldn't hope so much.." he says and smiles sad at me. I nod and sigh. Trying is better than dying. "I need to talk with your grandparents" he says and stands up. I follow him and stop him. "But don't say anything about my time" he sighs slowly and nods. I step aside and allow him to go out. I know I'm selfish but I don't want anyone worrying about me.


"Ma could you make me my favorite tea?" I ask and snuggle into her lap. She laughs and pushes me off her lap to stand up. "Woah that was mean" I shout after her. My pops sits next to me and pinches my cheeks. "My sweet little Baby" he says and pulls me to his side. "Are you afraid of death?" I suddenly ask and a silence is fallowed in the room. Pops sighs and I can see his eyes shut. "No, Sunny" he finally answers me and looks down at me. "But I'm afraid of losing the one, I love" he adds and kisses my head.

"I'm here" Ma's heels clicking on the Marmor floor and she puts my tea on the coffee table. "Thank you" I say and grab my tea. I can't image a world without my grandparents. They are the only one's who wanted me. A smile forms on my lips and I sip on my cup. "I think, we should watch a movie." Ma says and turns to face me and pops. I nod and pops sighs. "But nothing with Love" he adds and grabs the remote. A chuckle leaves my throat and pops glares at me. "I start it now" he says and leans back. Ma turns the light off and sits next to pops.

3 days later

"It's our first date, alone" I say and my hands are shaking because of the excitement. Bryan laughs and tucks my hair behind my ear. We sit down and order our food. "I never knew that Bryan, the scary cold Bryan would Plan such a date" I laugh and Bryan's eyebrows narrow at me. "I never knew, that everyone thinks I'm scary and cold" he says and makes a face. I gasp and look shocked at him. "Everyone's opinion about you is just 'oh Bryan, he is the cold boy never expect a warm welcome'" I mock Aiden's voice and Bryan laughs.

"I will definitely kill the boys" Bryan says and leans back. After 2 hours we finally left the restaurant and are sitting in the car. "Sunny" Bryan's hands touches mine and his gentle touch sends shivers down my spine, not the kind what makes me scared or disgusted. It feels warm. "Can I Kiss you?" His Voice so soft and warm. I nod and without hesitation he leans and cups my face. A smile on his lips and he crashes his lips against mine. The kiss is soft and lovely. And it's my first kiss.

Bryan pulls away and leans his forehead against mine and pants. "What's wrong?" I ask, my voice a whisper. A smile on his face and he closes his eyes. "I'm trying to hold myself under control" he pants and my cheeks feel warm. "B-" his finger on my lips and he hush me. "If you say my name, I will tear your clothes apart and put myself in you" he pants and my eyes widen. I never knew, that he would talk so, so-

Free. After a hour we left. I'm at home and Bryan is on the phone. "Our second date should be more casually" he says and I lay down. "Hmm" Bryan stops talking. "You're tired, sleep well Sunny" he says and I can see his face smiling. We hung up and I fell asleep. I know, falling in love in this circumstance is wrong. But I can't keep pretending, that I will live a long life. Bryan is a good, handsome boy. If I had another life after this, I would surely fall all over Bryan again. 


"How was your date?" My eyes widen and I began to cough. Aiden's head snaps at me and a sorry smile appears on my lips. "With whom?" Aiden asks my Ma and she chuckles. "That lovely Bryan boy" She answers as she sips her coffee. "Bryan.." Aiden mumbles and puts suddenly a smile on his face. "Was it good?" he asks and kisses me on the cheek. I nod, unsure of his action. I love Aiden, I really do..but I can't image it what would happen after I'm gone. "I can treat you better" I look shocked at Aiden, he thinks no one heard it. 


Aiden and I are in the garden of my house. Laying on the gras next to each other. "What do you wish?" I ask and turn my head to the side, so I could look at my Aiden. A smile on his lips and eyes closed. "Many things" He says and laughs. "I want to know" I say and stand a bit up so I'm leaning on my elbows. "If I told you, it would never happen" I sigh and let myself fall onto the ground. "Honey" I can hear his voice, so much of concern in it. "Please" I open my eyes and Aiden sighs as he pulls me to his side and lays on his side so he can lean on is arm. 

"First of all, I wish that our time would be forever." a painful sting in my heart. "Second of all, we get married" a smile on his face as he closes his eyes, like he is imagine it in his head. "The two of us?" I ask and he nods. "Of course, so we would be best friends forever." I giggle and lean to his chest. "Then we would built a family, our children taking after you" he laughs and out of a sudden his smile drops and a tear rolling down his cheek. "We would grow old, your hair will become grey..and wrinkles will appear under your eyes" as he talks, his voice becomes quietly. 

"And then?" I need to know. "Our children will bring their kids to us." He opens his eyes and looks deep into mine. "I need you, Honey" he whispers, his hand on my cheek as he caresses it. "I hope I'm a sexy granny" Aiden's tears roll down his cheeks as he begun to laugh. "What" I shout and laugh with him. "You're the most complicated person" He says as he lays on his back and takes my hand in his. "And you're just..Aiden" I say a come back. "Just Aiden? that's all you got" he laughs and brings my hand to his lips. He places a light kiss on the back of my hand. 

"Don't you have a wish?" he asks me, turning his face to me. I shake my head and he sighs. "I wish that everyone will stay, Happy and healthy" and I wish, that I won't die. Aiden's smile becomes soft as he pulls me to his chest. I lay my head on his chest. "I would do anything for you, Honey" he whispers and places a light kiss on the back of my head. "Just you and me, that's enough for me" he mumbles and I can hear his heartbeat. It's fast and loud. "is everything okay, with your heart?" I ask and sit up to look down on Aiden. His eyes widen, his cheeks become red and he looks away from me. "Yeah, I'm just nervous about tomorrow" he says and stands up. 

He walks away and leaves me behind. Woah what did I say that he just run away from me? I stand up and follow Aiden inside the house. "Aiden" he hugs my ma and then heads to the door. "Goodbye, Honey" he says, without turning around to face me. He opens the door and walks out. The door closes behind him and I'm left here. "He really Loves you" Ma chuckles. "What?" I turn around and see her standing at the doorframe. 


The end of chapter 8

What does Grandma mean? and what will happen now?

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