CHAPTER FIVE (Meeting Susie)

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The next week (Y/n) eagerly made his way to the conference room for the meeting, excited to finally meet the voice behind Alice Angel. As he took his seat, he looked around at the other employees who were gathered there, all of them eagerly waiting for the big reveal.

Joey Drew stepped up to the podium, a big grin on his face. "Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to introduce you to the voice of Alice Angel, Miss Susie Campbell."

As Susie stepped forward, (Y/n) couldn't help but feel a little starstruck. She was tall and elegant, with long, flowing hair and a voice that was sweet and melodic.

"Hello, everyone," Susie said, beaming. "I'm so excited to be here, and I can't wait to bring Alice Angel to life."

(Y/n) watched as Susie launched into a detailed description of the character, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. She spoke about Alice Angel's backstory, her personality, and her unique voice, all the while wearing a big smile on her face.

But as the meeting continued, (Y/n) began to notice something odd about Susie. She seemed to be a little too into the character of Alice Angel, almost as if she was convinced that she was Alice herself.

"Hey, um, Susie?" (Y/n) spoke up when the meeting had ended, approaching her nervously. "I just wanted to say, I thought your presentation was great, but... are you okay? You seemed really into the character."

Susie smiled, a little too sweetly for (Y/n)'s liking. "Oh, don't worry about me, (Y/n). I just really connect with Alice. She's such a beautiful character, and I just love the way she makes me feel."

(Y/n) felt a little uneasy, but he didn't want to cause a scene. He simply nodded and walked away, wondering what it was about Alice Angel that could make someone so invested in the character.

As he went about his duties for the rest of the day, he couldn't help but think about Susie and her intense connection to Alice Angel. He knew that the studio was filled with passionate and dedicated individuals, but he couldn't shake the feeling

that something about Susie's devotion was a little off.

Nevertheless, he knew that he had a job to do, and he was determined to do it to the best of his ability. Alice Angel was going to be a big part of the studio's future, and (Y/n) knew that he had to give it his all to help her succeed.

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