Hello Ch'en

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First, ever actual combat scene, so yea.

Thanks for the support.


Ch'en was tired but would never admit it, not even to herself. It had been over two days since that massacre when some unknown group made the L.G.D. a laughing stock. They had lost good Officers already to Reunion, and now this?

It had just turned into evening. What should have been an orange sky was turning into dark clouds. Muffled cracks of thunder could be heard in the distance; it looks like another rainstorm tonight, Ch'en thought to herself from the back of an L.G.D. squad car.

Ch'en's mood dropped as they approached the L.G.D. Headquarters in the heart of Lungmen. This was a safe zone from the likes of Reunion, but they could not stop the dozens of News outlets and Reporters from across Terra.

Once the crowd spotted her Car, it was immediately rushed with the shouts of questions and flashes of cameras. L.G.D. Officers attempted to control the crowd with minimal success. She sighs as the Car stops in front of the Headquarters, and she opens the door, only to be accosted by reporters.

"Maden Ch'en, Have you any information about Reuinon's current movements!" A reporter shouts.

"Madam Ch'en, it is reported that L.G.D. is taking heavy casualties. Is your competence being brought into question" Another shouts?

"Madam Ch'en, What news on the Unkown faction and the missing L.N.N. crew," Another call out.

Ch'en ignored them as her fellow Officers created a path into the Headquarters. The question about casualties made her flinch, but she soldiered on in silence. She knew next to nothing about the unknown group or the missing reporter.

Ch'en entered the massive building without looking back and quickly made her way to her office, barely acknowledging anyone. Those reporters have been there for days. They will be there when she leaves and there when she returns. She entered her office and slammed the door behind her before falling into her chair ungracefully and massaging her temples, trying to prevent a headache.

A cup of coffee slams onto her desk, making her look up at the intruder. Only to see the insufferable face of Superindent Swire grinning down at her.

"Gao, Well, look who decided to grace us with her presence this evening-the moping dragon." Swire mocks her friend.

"I'm not in the mood" Ch'en looks down at the coffee.

"Well, someone didn't get laid last night, Ha," Swire laughs, not catching the mood in the room.

"GET OUT" Ch'en shouts, throwing a conveniently placed stapler at her.

"Gah, Hey!... Fine.. you bitchy Dragon!" Swire jumps out of the way of the projectile before leaving the office and slamming the door.

She was not in the mood. Everything is going wrong. People are dying, and everyone attacks the L.G.D. either on live T.V. or on the streets in riots.

*Knock, Knock*

"Go away, swire!" Ch'en shouts again.

The door opens gently and reveals Hoshiguma, who enters the room and holds out a folder. "Hello, Ch'en... I have a report for you. It's about Misha"

Ch'en perks up a bit and takes the folder-the best good news she's had in a while. Misha revealing herself in front of the L.G.D. was convenient for her. Ch'en looks at the folder and frowns.

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