Angel Of Death

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I will add a few more short scenes to chapters here and there just so everyone knows what groups are doing, considering how many branches this story has.

Let's get back to it.


Farsight and Kal'tsit sat awkwardly in the Orca transport as it approached High Haven. Kal'tsit was unsure how to deal with such an awkward situation while Farsight was planning the downfall of everyone who was making his life difficult.

Kal'tsit looked at her husband from the corner of her eye, refusing to look at him directly, kicking herself for acting like a silly girl with a crush. Thankfully Farsight had already informed her of the status of Rhodes Island, taking her mind off current matters, but she was shocked. 

Rhodes Island was currently under the leadership of the Enclave... 

Many of her operators were arrested for crimes against the Enclave and were being held in Enclave detention centres.

Operator Nian had killed one of his people and was facing severe consequences.

Kal'tsit bit her lip, wanting to protest but knowing how fruitless such an act would be, she could only defend Nian when the time came for her trial and not even Farsight would stop her from protecting her operator.

Maybe Kal'tsit could convince Farsight to lower her unknown punishment somehow.

But one thing bothered Kal'tsit more than anything.

Why did her husband still smell like operator Texas... What has he done...? Kal'tsit felt a twisting sensation in her stomach; something was happening with them, and she knew it. She could only hope it wasn't serious.

"We're approaching High Haven, Commander!" The Orca Pilot called over the intercom.


At High Haven.

Frostnova followed Agenta through multiple heavy steel doors but further away from her after Agenta's cryptic talk put her on edge. After ten minutes of walking, they came across another set of doors different from the others. The centre of the door was embossed with a windigo's skull, a symbol Frostnova knew well.

Frostnova walked forward but was stopped by Agenta.


The doors open without order and a wave of mist leaks through the gap. Inside, the room is dark and obscured by the mist. Only a single light in the room could barely be seen on the ceiling.

"Captain Patriot of the Wendigo Chapter, Step forward!" Agenta commanded to seemingly no one in the room.

Frostnova looked apprehensive, shaking from excitement or fear she didn't know, but her new boss calling out for Patriot was a good sign.

Footsteps heavier than anything she had ever heard marched towards the pair from the obscurity of the mist, getting louder as heavy boots thundered against the reinforced metal floor.

Frostnova's eyes widened in horror as a massive hulking slab of metal walked out of the mist and came to a stop a meter in front of Agenta, a humanoid being towering over both women and wearing armour thicker than any armoured vehicle she had ever seen whilst fighting the Ursus Empire.

His armour was White with black trim. One of his massive pauldrons had the symbol of the Enclave, and the other of a Wendigo. The only clue Frostnova had of this thing's identity was the pair of dark tristed Antlers sticking out of the helmet.

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