Back In Your Arms

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I am working again for the next few days, so I will try to get another chapter out as soon as possible.

Texas fluff is coming!

Let's get back to it.


"Can I help you, miss?" Farsight was planning on returning to Agenta after his little cool-off session but found a pretty Lupo female standing behind him, staring at him intently but with a sharp tooth-filled grin aimed at him.

"Lappland..." Her grin never left.

"...Lappland... Any reason why you were standing behind me and staring?"

"You are the leader?... Farsight?" Lappland says, taking a step closer to him, making him step back on instinct. 

"Yes?" Farsight admits making the Lupo grin a little wider as her bushy tail starts to move behind her.

"Why should I follow you?" Lappland asks.

 "You're the merc that Mal caught and hired? Probably follow me for money..." Farsight stated plainly.

Lappland's grin never shrunk, but her eyes narrowed slightly as her tail ceased moving. She moved forward suddenly until she was standing right in front of Farsight. Their height difference was apparent as she craned her head back to look at him in the face. Before Farsight could question the strange woman, she leaned forward and started sniffing him.

Farsight tried to back away, but Lappland grabbed him and growled in annoyance at his attempt. Then, when she was happy that he wouldn't move, she returned to inhaling his scent.

"?!" Farsight would be lying if he wasn't a little creeped out. Why was every woman around him batshit crazy?

"Your smell..." Lappland chuckled to herself as if she had just made a joke.

"....." Farsight stood still, letting the crazy Lupo finish what she was doing. There was no need to make another unstable female angry at him.

"Hah, It's very potent... Stronger than Texas!" Was Lappland talking to herself or Farsight at this point? 

"Wait... Texas?" Farsight asked, making Lappland's head shoot up and stare at him with a crazed look in her eyes.

"You know Texas!" Lappland asked/shouted as her tail started wagging. 

"I do, Indeed" Unsure if it was wise to mention Texas now if her erratic look was anything to go by.


"Do you plan on attacking her?" Farsight asked suspiciously. There was clearly a history between the two.

"Hahaha, of course not! Texas and I go waaay back!" Lappland shouted with her amused grin ever present.

"Hmmm, she's with Penguin Logistics," Farsight told her honestly, not overly worried for Texas. She was a capable fighter and was surrounded by equally adept companions. 

"I know of them!" Lappland doesn't even give Farsight a backwards glance as she runs off and out of sight, leaving the confused and intrigued leader standing there.

Farsight shakes his head and stands at the roof's edge, looking down at the Enclave compound below, waiting for Lappland to appear. Sure enough, the white Haired Lupo exited the Enclave building a few minutes later, and she started sprinting away into the dirty rundown slums.

Having second thoughts and is uncomfortable leaving Texas and her group to deal with Lappland alone, no matter how skilled. He was the one that told Lappand Texas's location. 

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