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I'm back, mostly. Still not feeling great, but good enough to start writing again.

Thank you for being so patient.

Let us get back to it.


"Explain yourself, Agenta!" Farsight demanded as he stared at the seated and scolded Agenta.

Agenta was sat in the same interrogation room that she had placed W in two days before, looking ragged and tired. Unfortunately, the storage room was rarely used, so It was nearly twenty-two hours before someone found the dehydrated Farseer.

"It was Lappland! She attacked me and placed me in that storage room!" Agenta stared up at him in annoyance.

"Oh, I know. Lappland told me yesterday..."

"Yesterday? Then why didn't you come sooner!?" Agenta shouted in disbelief.

"I was planning on punishing you for what you did to W, but it looks like Lappland took a disliking to you and confronted you herself. So I thought it best to leave you there and think about what you did," Farsight glared at Agenta.

"Think about what I did!? I'm not some child for you to push into the naughty corner!" Agenta growled in response. Agenta could swear she could hear muffled laughter behind the one-way glass. She swears that if Lappland is behind the glass mocking her...

"Torturing our guests warrants far worse than a naughty corner, Agenta!" Farsight snaps at her, making Agenta flinch and look away.

"Guest. Not prisoner?"

"If W wanted, she could have blown her way out of this building when she woke up; she's put herself here willingly for a reason, and I want to know why. A way that doesn't require torture!"

"I was getting information out of her. But, methods and morals aside, I was doing it..." Agenta looked back at him coldly.

"No... No! You asked her no questions; you only wanted her in pain...Right?"

"No, I-"

"Let me guess. You're also crazy?" Farsight huffed in annoyance, thinking everyone but Texas was crazy.

"Huh... Pardon?" Agenta looked confused.

"Jealousy, maybe? I saw how you looked at W and myself when she was in my room the other day...."

"I am not Jealous!" Agenta half shouted but blushed at him for coming to a ridiculous conclusion. She will make him her husband, but it's too soon for her. Her heart is not ready!

"Look! From this moment forward. You have no authority over prisoners or guests that come through the Enclave... Am I clear?" Farsight folds his arms and stands over the Farseer menacingly.

"What? But that's not-" Agenta started.

"Am I clear!?" Farsight cut her off and spoke louder.

Farsight was not in the mood for a tantrum she would go into if allowed, nor her excuses for justifying torture for her petty jealousy.

"Yes, Farsight"

"That's Commander Farsight to you," Farsight schooled the Farseer, who looked surprised and hurt by her leader's declaration.


"You broke my trust once, Agenta... I would hate to think you would again, so stop whining like a child and show me you're supporting the Enclave, not attempting to destroy it."

Ex-Doctor Of Rhodes Island(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now