False King

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Damn, 500k reads! Thank you to everyone who gave me a chance; I appreciate it.

Let's get back to it.


Farsight watched from the comfort of the Valkyrie at the burning city below him. The sounds of battle gave way to shouts of panic as civilians fled further into the heart of their city, knowing where the largest concentration of Pontifica personnel would be.

Assuming the Pontifica and the Gun-knights would help them.

Looking to the side, Farsight saw Exusiai's sour expression as she stared at the burning city she had once called home. The grip on her weapon was tight, and her knuckles had turned white from the pressure.


She turned to look at Farsight, gave a weak smile, and looked back at the city. 

"I'm alright, Boss."

He was not overly convinced, "It's fine to be angry, you know?"

"Angry?" Exusiai gave him a side glance.

"Mustn't be easy to watch your home burn before your eyes."

Exusiai exhaled and nodded, "Laterano has stood for so long. We Sankta were raised to believe Laterano is like the law we follow: immortal, unshakable, and unconquerable."

"An immortal city only proves just how conquerable it truly is." 

Exusiai turned to the voice of their new companion, Kalina, who was listening to the conversation. 


"An immortal city will stagnate. Its people will be bound to laws that are so old they probably don't even make much sense in the current era, and the people in charge will adhere so firmly to the so-called right way of thinking they will fail to see the city falling apart."

Farsight smiled at his daughter, who talked like her mother, 'Kal'tsit is going to love this,' Farsight thought as she watched Kalina give Exusiai step-by-step reasons why Laterano was doomed.

To her credit, Exusiai didn't seem offended and seemed curious to hear why her people were either failing or stagnating. 

Texas, who was sitting next to him, whispered in his ear, "I don't think I've ever seen Exusiai sit down quietly and listen to someone else give a lecture."

"She doesn't seem like the type to sit still for very long," Farsight chuckled, watching Exusiai nod to Kalina's monologue.

The current question on Farsight's mind is why Kalina talks like she's seen this before. He remembered his childhood lessons, and no single example could be made. Maybe the ancient country of the Sarkaz?

Perhaps thinking further back to the previous civilisations would be a better example.

What did Kalina know, and where did she come from?

Fortunately, it seems Exusiai thought like him, "How would you know so much about this stuff?"

Kalina shrugged without care, expecting such a response to come up eventually.

"I've seen things."

"Seen things? Like?" Exusiai sat back in her seat, no longer interested in watching a city burn.

"You know, the usual stuff,  the rise and fall of cities, countries falling into the ocean, ancient civilisation's vanishing."

Everyone looked at Kalina strangely, apart from Farsight, who looked alarmed.

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