Lord of Fiends

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Still not feeling well, but I'm getting there. Still have to work tho.

The chapter would have been longer, but Wattpad is slow. Every word I write takes like 5 secs to appear on the screen. It is mind-numbing.

Let's get back to it.


Rhodes Island was unusually quiet as many operators and employees were glued to the various T.V. news networks on screens. For once, it wasn't the Lungmen news station that stole the show but news networks belonging to Laterano. 

The screens showed everyone that Laterano had become a battlefield. Scenes of chaos and infighting as beautiful ornate buildings and clean streets were damaged or destroyed as Sankta could be seen taking shots at other Government forces. 

A pretty Female Sankta with golden hair and purple eyes stood in a large open square dominated by a sizeable battle-damaged fountain; she ducked and covered while speaking into a camera, trying to talk over the sounds of gunshots. 

"The Lateran Curia has declared a state of emergency, a curfew has been put in place, and Apostolic Gun-Knights have been deployed to the streets to quell the dissenters that aim to cause reckless misery to the civilians."

Behind the Reporter, two Apostolic Knights cautiously walk by, shooting at something off-screen before they themselves disappear off-screen and leave the damaged square empty apart for the Reporter and her crew.

"The currently named 'Rebels' seem to be fighting in the name of the Living Saint that recently revealed itself in Lungmen. Rebels forces declare that the Laterano Government not only withholds vital information about this Saint but actively denies his existence.

The Pontifica Cohors Lateran is being suppressed heavily by these Rebels. They are being prevented from linking up with the Gun-Knights, but many have joined the Rebels in their fight against the government. Rebel forces have not currently attacked civilians.

Fighting across the city has forced many none combatants to flee their homes in panic.

The Pope of Laterano is pleading with the Rebels to stop this unnecessary bloodshed and lay down their arms for the betterment of all Sankta involved.

The Rebels have refused to answer the pleading of the Pope."

Behind the Reporter, one Apostolic Gun-Knight runs back into view and past them, back the way he came, uniform and armour bloody as he haphazardly drags his large weapon behind him, holding his wounded arm as blood pours between his fingers.

Before the Gun-Knight could disappear off-screen, a large, powerful *crack* could be heard, instantly hitting the back of the retreating Gun-Knight. Dust from the armour and blood sprayed from his back as he fell forward onto his face with a thump.

The Reporter had stopped talking and looked at the downed Gun-Knight in shock, as did the camera crew. However, before the Reporter could recover and continue speaking, multiple footsteps could be heard from the street the Gun-Knight had retreated from.

From that street, many armed Sankta civilians entered the large square and kept walking forward with a purpose. Many of the roughed-up Sankta looked in their direction but carried on walking, some even walking over the dead Gun-Knight without remorse.

One Sankta caught the Reporter's attention and the camera crew as many people surrounded the heavily armed man but still gave him a wider berth as if he was leading the group. 

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