Ride Of The Valkyries

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Yes, I was listening to Ride of the Valkyries from apocalypse now while writing this. No regrets.

Let us get to it.


The Armed forces of the Farsight Enclave were fighting from street to street, building to building. Reunion soldiers were fighting desperately with everything they had. Across multiple city blocks, Green soldiers smashed into and gunned down desperate white masked soldiers of Reunion.

In this city's rubble and skeletal remains, Soldiers on both sides attempted to kill each other with unrefined hate. Most Reunion soldiers were gunned down and beaten to the floor with bayonets, helmets, combat knives or bricks from the ground-the sounds of death and fighting all around.

Many Reunion Soldiers with swords and machetes lunged at Enclave forces, and soon Individual fights broke out across the uneven rubble-covered ground with dodges and parries, thrusts and swings. Some Unfortunate Enclave soldiers are struck and fall to the floor to join the growing number of bodies.

An Enclave Sergeant pulled his sword out of the throat of a gurgling shielded Reunion soldier and pushed him away. He looked around, seeing one of his soldiers wrestling with a Reunion Junkman on the floor and losing. The Sergeant pulls out his combat knife before stabbing the Junkman in the back multiple times, making him slump onto the struggling Enclave solder beneath.

"Thanks, Sergeant!" The muffled voice of the Cautus female soldier under the dead Junkman calls.

The Sergeant rolls his eyes and moves on, Parrying the clumsy strike of a machete aimed for him before counter-attacking and cutting the Reunion thug's arm off. Making the attacker scream in pain, only to go quiet when the Sergeant swings his sword and decapitates him.

"Look at them, run! Ahahaha!" A random Durin soldier shouts, making everyone look and mock the running Reunion forces.

"Sergeant!, Headquarters on the radio!" A Lung radioman rushes over, holding out the headset. The man in question grabs the headset and replies.

"Sergeant Wulf here." His gruff voice sounded tired. Looking around at the final resistance of Reunion that had not run, they were being ganged up on by his soldiers and killed what remained.

"The city has almost fallen! Reunion is on the run back to the Control tower in the city centre." A deep voice sounded.

"Reunion forces in this area must have received the order as they have turned tail and run," Sergeant states.

"Ha! Bulldozer tanks have already cleared the main street leading to the city centre. Other squads will handle any pockets of resistance. I want you to join the main collum heading for the central tower; Reunion will put up their final stand there; it's time to end this!" Commands shout enthusiastically.

"Yes, Command!" The Sergeant gives back the radio and gathers his squad to head out.


The sound of thousands of steps thundered down the bombed-out street that stretched for what seemed miles. Bulldozer tanks sat on either side of the road motionless after they had completed their work. Dozens of unseen squads were still searching the city's ruins, flushing out any Reunion attempting to resist or was hiding. Gunshots could be heard all around them as stragglers were picked off.

All soldiers and Officers of the Enclave could only look in fascination at the tower in the distance. After so much destruction and fire, the sky had turned cloudy and dark. The building in the distance flashed orange and yellow as explosions from soldiers, tanks, and artillery attacked the final stronghold of Reunion.

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