A Spark Of Hope

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Sadness abounds.

Let's get back to it.


Farsight flew through the sky at impressive speeds, his wings exerting massive force to propel him through the dark sky. Rhodes Island was shrinking behind him as he passed further over Lungmen. 

The Enclave leader ignored the bitter air rushing across his already numb body. His face strained, and his eyes stung but not from the cold. His objective was clear now, and Farsight had had enough of bouncing back and forth from this farce that was the fight between Enclave and Rhodes Island.

He wanted to say he was furious, but that wasn't true anymore. He was just tired and broken. The idea of doing good in the world was backfiring. Almost as if the world didn't want to change.

Farsight would be lying if he said he never thought about giving up and settling down somewhere quiet where no one would ever find him. He would try and convince Texas to go with him, of course.

He was sure Texas would, for their unborn child's sake.

But now the world wants Texas dead for associating with him. They want him dead for trying to do good; the world would rather live in endless misery and put down good people than change for the better.

Good people...

Was he good? 

Exterminating Reunion, stealing Chernobog and converting it, Invading and harassing Lungmen, starting a civil war in Laterano and was now about to invade Siracusa. 

Farsight and the Enclave had plans for every nation and organisation, but very few of those plans were peaceful or could be considered moral. He wasn't there to conquer the world and rule it. He was not kidding when he said he would go scorched earth and wipe the slate clean of the corrupt and unclean.

He knows trying to change everything in Terra will only make him look like the bad guy, but Farsight always knew that. He just chooses not to believe it like a naive fool.

Farsight chuckled at the irony.

"You die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain."

So f*ck Terra, he will do what he set out to do and then leave. He will wipe the slate clean and then go and live his own life without expectation and judgment.

To find a small measure of peace.

A peace he wouldn't find while his memories elude and harass him equally. 

Shattered images of a smiling Kal'tsit flash in his mind, fragments of memories he wanted back but tried to push away for his sanity's sake. 

Broken images of a little girl resembling Kal'tsit, staring up at him with a smile, holding a picture of the three of them, pieced his mind and heart all the same.

Farsight thanked the cold air that made his face go numb. He didn't need to feel tears roll down his cheeks. Farsight wanted to cry out in pain; he wanted to fly straight to Texas and cry in her lap like a blubbering fool, but he knew he couldn't. He needed to confront the one that broke him the first time.

Once and for all.


Farsight didn't know how long he stood on Lungmen's tallest building, staring down at the quiet streets below with a broken visage. The usually busy city was quiet after a curfew was implemented due to the battle that had just occurred hours before. Only the movement of LGD and Enclave forces moved about the empty streets.

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