Intentions unclear

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With the sun rise came the fatigue. We had been up all night, checking the cameras, trying to de-bunk the call that Zak had recieved. We found nothing . Not that we had to do all the editing and listen to the recordings now, we just wanted to know if it was safe to return for other equipment. If it was a person in there, they probably were a very disturbed individual. We did manage to collect all, including my phone that was found on the main staircase. Right where the cameras had a blind spot. Aaron promised that the next time we will cover the whole building, because now the most important piece of this puzzle was missing. Disaapointed and disturbed was what Zak said multiple times. I can bet that his brain wasnt woking properly anymore .
We loaded up the equipment in the campers  'cargo '  compartment ,as we called it, and shot back one last look at the Hospital before starting our road trip back to Nevada , back Home . No hotel stops, no flying, just me and 4 dudes in a camper for 9 hours.
Zak instantly dissapeared into his den and so did the rest of us. Aaron took the liberty of driving first , just so he could sleep longer after. I was also done , my feet were dragging on the floor and it felt like heaven when i finally hit my bunk bed. I got under the covers and begun to fall asleep. As i adjusted my positon ,i felt something under my pillow and pullet it out. It was a piece of paper that read -
" i have more questions , when you are ready, please come by "
Despite the fact of how busy we were , Zak took the time to figgure out more questions and hide a note under my bed. Wow, a multi tasker. I put it back under my pillow and fell asleep in seconds hoping that Zak would understand that i am not ready.

The bright sun was blinding me and it was getting hell hot in the camper. Was the AC not working? I groaned as i sat up in my bed and saw the guys still sleeping in their bunks , Aaron too. Zak must be behind the wheel. I fixed my hair and decided that my sleeping clothes were good enough to make an appearance and make my request for the AC to be turned on. I was wearing a loose white tank top and some black shorts. Would be nice to sleep naked but not with all these guys around.
As i turned the corner i saw Zak driving, he was listening to music and having some snacks.
" Got enoigh rest to drive?"  I asked in a calm voice , didnt want to scare him. He shot a glance back and after a second answered
" Like one hour , but its fine, i just want to be in my bed and then sleep for 2 days straight "
" Oh ,well be careful, i can take over too if you -"
" Did you come here to talk? You know, like in the note i left? "
" Uh , actually i'd really like to get some more sleep, just wanted to ask if you could turn the AC on, its like a sauna in the bunks" i said as i took a seat next to him.
" Its broken in the bunks....but you can go to my room, it works fine there" he suggested quite seriously. Ofcourse he wanted me in his bed.
" Wow, you really do have all the luxuries, but i dont know, thats a bit wierd and i would not want to start any rumors-"
" Dont worry ,i will send out an official email to everyone that you slept there for sleep only purposes" - Zak teased with a grin
" Fine, i accept, but next time you will be sleeping in the bunks if you dont get the AC fixed "
" Deal"
I i shot him a smile and made my way to his den.
" Can i just ask one question? Before you sleep "
" Yea, what about ?"
" You said that you had planned on 2 months in rehab and then coming back for me. So when you showed up at my party , were you coming for me? Or is it all different now" he asked. I rubbed my face in my palms as i was thinking, the sleep was creeping up on me. I made my way back to the passenger seat and sat down
" Well , i was hoping to see you, but no, i wasnt coming back for you as i planned before. 1 year in i already realised that nothing would be the same and that maybe its not something we need anymore. Even more when i saw that you had found new company. She was beautiful by the way, you have good taste. "  i explained. He showed no emotion and was hard to read, very focused on the road.
" Thank you, all i wanted to know. Goodnight" He said with even less emotion than on his face. I knew he needed to process that , so i left wothout saying a word.
Zaks sheets smelled like him, you could smell the specific smell of his hair gel and his cologne. This was bringing back a lot of emotions ,but not enough to keep me awake. I was glad that me and Zak were slowly getting the closure we both needed and going with the healthiest option. On the other hand, all i really wanted was Zak but all i could do is fantasise about what could have been.

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