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It was now morning and we were nowhere near our destination.
"Max, please take the photo down."
"Whats the point? Its already up and he's seen it."
"Max ,for the last time- take it down. "
"Fine...but just so you know- facebook saves everything so..."
"Just do it"- i said weakly in the phone.
"Done. Happy?"
"Thank you." I said and hung up.
"Pit stop!"- Bacon said as we stopped at a gas station. All the guys went inside while i barely made it to the bench.
"June. Eat it."- David said trying to shove a twix bar down my throat. I rested my elbows on my knees and held my face.
"June ,please."- he said in a desperate voice as he was trying to get my hands away from my face. He gave up. I heard him leave. This was hopeless. I couldn't eat if i wanted to and i still couldn't belive that yesterday i slept in his lap. How could have i been so blind not to notice that it was him? I started walking back to the RV but i stopped by the door when i heard my name.
"What's happening with June?"- Zak asked.
"She's not eating. Anything. You better figure this shit out before she dies."- David said and opened the doors making me jump aside. He shot me a look and headed back to the store. I got in and tried not looking at Zak. I missed his face and those beautiful lips. I stopped by the sink to pour a glass of water.
"Please eat something."- he said standing behind me. Hearing his voice made me want to cry again. I chewed on my lip to hold back t he tears.
"I can't ..." - i said quietly and rested with my hands on the sink.
"Please. Umm we have..."- he said and opened the fridge and looked at what we even have.
"We have pizza, some soup , salad or if you want anything else we can buy it. Anything you want. "- he said while looking at me. I looked away and closed my eyes cause i couldn't stand those eyes on my face without knowing if he still even liked me. We stood in silence.
"I care about you cause i still love you, you know."- he said and picked up my chin so i would look at him. I didn't. I looked down.
"I have only one question. What did i do to make you think that i would ever cheat on you?"- i said and finally met his eyes.
"I don't know ,i regret that and i can't stand to see you suffer. Makes me feel like a piece of shit."
"Grapes..."- i whispered and looked down again.
"What?" - he asked not hearing what i said.
"Grapes...i want grapes. "- i said a little louder. It's not that i wanted food now, i just wanted to not feel so dead anymore. Zak bolted out of the RV.
"I ll be right back."- he said as he closed the door. I looked out the window and he was jogging to the store. A little smile appeared on my face.
A little while longer i saw him , David and most importantly -grapes coming. He got in and put them on a plate. I see him coming and David was just sitting next to me. He put it in front of me and sat on the other side. They didn't speak but were just waiting for me to eat.
"Maybe you two could just not...."- i said. They knodded realising that they were staring and turned away. I put a grape in my mouth and bit it. The taste reminded me of the night when Zak first came we watched the movie and had a little moment...tears started coming down my face again and i got up and left to the beds. I was tired from this little walking and went to sleep. Again.

"Hey"........"hey"- he said as he shook me by my shoulders. 
"What?"- i mumbled in my pillow.
"Were taking a little break and we'll stay a night in a hotel."- he said.
"Fine."- i said and got up to take my stuff. We all were walking and suddently i lost the feeling in my legs and lost balance. And ofcourse i fell in his arms...he held me and then stood me up. A touch of his made me loose my mind and i was about to loose my shit in the middle of the sidewalk. After registration we got our keys and headed up. When i got to my room i felt someone behind me waiting on me.
"What are you doing?"- i asked turning my head around and seeing Zak wait at me.
"Waiting for you to open the door."
"But this is my room"
"But it's also mine." - he said with a little smirk.
What went trough my head at the moment was simply cussing at the situation cause this meant that i couldn't sit here and cry all day.

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