A stab in the heart

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●○●○Zak's POV○●○●

As her body touched the bed she passed out. I gently took off her shoes and covered her with a blanket. I wonder what would she say about me carrying her if she wasn't drunk...it was weird how i could get almost any women in Vegas but here i was- staring at our now crew member and thinking how beautiful she was. It was weird because i barely knew her. My thoughts were cut off by her talking in her sleep.
"Don't tell him anything ,David"- she said quite loudly. I stopped staring like a creep and went to my guest bedroom since she was sleeping in mine.
As i was pulling off my pants i felt something in my pocket. It was June's phone. I took it while she was walking so she wouldn't drop it. My brain was fighting itself. Half of me wanted to look trough her messages but half of me said that it was wrong and that i might find something i don't want to find there. My curious side won and i turned on her phone. It felt wrong but yet okay . It turned it on but she had a password so i just went and put it back next to her bed on the nightstand. I have never been more confused about anything in my life.

●○●○June's POV ○●○●

My head hurt. Holy shit i felt half dead. I opened my eyes. Umm. Where the hell am i? Well im not tied to a chair so that's always a good sign. I was relieved to see that the only piece of clothing i was missing was my shoes. Then i suddenly remembered how Zak was carrying me and everything else. I was surprised that i remembered anything at all. I got out of my bed and put my shoes back on. I took my phone and saw the 22 messages from David. Half of them were - "i bet you're hooking up rn ", "slut!" or "will i die if i drink my pee??" David was a weird friend but that's why he was my best friend. I heard someone walking downstairs. I knew it was Zak by the sound of his footsteps. Is it weird that i know what his footsteps sound like?...probably. I slowly walked out the room and my main plan was to sneak out unnoticed so i started sneaking down the stairs as quietly as i could. As i got to the end of the stairs i walked as fast as i could to the door and made a run to my car. I quickly jumped in my car and realized i didn't have my keys. SHIT! I think i forgot them on the nightstand so that meant that i had to go back. Oh this is gonna be awkward. I smashed my head against the steering wheel and went back to the door. I opened the door as quietly as i could and saw Zak sanding and smiling with my keys in his hand.
"Your escape plan didn't really work did it? " - he said as he walked closer to me putting on a devilish grin.
"No not really and thanks for letting me stay...although i don't remember anything...what happened?" - i lied cause i wanted to know what will he say.

"Well you were drunk and were about to sleep in your car and i din't let you so you ended up staying at my house."- he said while swirling my keys around his finger.
"Again thanks but could i have my car keys back now?" - i smirked and reached out for my keys. He held them higher in the air so i can't reach them ."First you owe me breakfast." - he said in a calm flirty voice. I was about to reject his offer but i felt like my heart is going to stop from not eating so i just nodded my head and agreed. We walked to kitchen and he had already made breakfast. It was scrambled eggs and a blt. I sat down on the chair while he put the eggs on a plate. He put the plates down and he sat right in front of me. And finally for once in many years i didn't think about how many calories was in it or how i could get out of eating . All i was thinking about was Zak. The way his muscles moved and the way he looked at me. It sent shivers down my spine. I started to eat and moments after i realized that he wasn't eating. He was just creepily staring at me and not moving.
I lifted my eyes and spoke -"Should i run?''he looked at me confused and i continued -"Because right now it feels like you're about to chain me up and throw me in a cage." he laughed at that and finally took his eyes off me.
''So who is David?"
Oh shit. What should i say. Well i guess i ll just tell him the truth i mean why should i lie to him?.
"Oh he's my best friend? How do you even know about him? Did i even tell you? " i started getting nervous. Maby i didnt remember everything. Mabay i told him something i shouldnt have. Oh God.
"No you were just talking in your sleep. You said -don't tell him anything ,David. Or something like that i don't remember." - i felt a slight relief .
"Hey, June?"- he said as he looked at me with his beautiful storm blue eyes that...i m really falling for him , aren't i ?
"I was wondering...do you have any more paintings?i still have some blank walls here and i really like your style."- omg he wants my paintings.
"Yeah i have quite a few at my apartment. I can later send you pictures an-" i was cut off by Zak.
"No i was thinking i could come over."- omg what?? I was freaking out mentally but kept calm on the outside.
"Umm, yeah i guess you can but after we get back from the lockdown cos i have some things i have to do the next days so i wont really have time"- i lied . I just felt like i should wait and see what happens apter the lockdown. I don't know what am i expecting but i have a feeling that something is going to happen.
He looked and smiled at me. I suddenly felt like something was wrong . I felt a slight pain in my chest as at the same second my phone went off. I saw my grandma calling. I knew something wasn't okay . I stood upf from the chair and answered the call.
"Hello?"- i said
"Hello ,June.You have to get to the hospital now. Andrew is sick"- i could hear the sobs in her voice. Andrew was my grandfather that i loved with all my heart.
"Ill be right there" - i said in a worried voice. By now Zak new something wasn't right and he had stopped eating .
"I m sorry Zak i have to go now." I said as fast as i could and grabbed my car keys and ran to my car. I didn't even wait for him to respond i just ran. I got in and drove to the hospital.
I got there and saw all my family cry. I ran up to my grandma and hugged her tightly.
-"Andrew. H-hes really sick. He doesn't have much time l-left. " she said to me while struggling to speak.
My dad approached me and hugged me as we were walking to say our final goodbyes.It was now my turn to say goodbye. i was the last who had to say goodbye and i could barely breathe from crying.

"Dear June, please take care of yourself ,sweety, and remember i ll always be watching over you. And i m proud of you for finally getting to do your hobby. And don't cry when i m no longer here cause ill always be here"- he said and pointed with his shaking finger to my heart. I started sobbing.
"I-i love you and i will always remember y-you"- i said and hugged him.
"I know, i know ,darling. I love you too" and he gave me the last smile before the line of his hear beats on his heart monitors went into a straight line and with that came that horrifying noise that i never wanted to hear in my lifetime. The long beep of the heart monitor. It felt like a stab in the heart. Like something so painful i have never felt before and it crushed my soul. I ran out of the room room and saw Billy, Aron and Zak standing in the waiting room. I didn't care how they got here and how they even knew. I didn't care. I saw them look at me as i ran out the door crying my heart out. I ran towards them and jumped into the ones arms that were the closest. Billy's. He hugged me and i continued sobbing. I wanted to escape this moment so bad. I have never felt so dead inside and so hurt in my whole life. So i decided to escape. I started hyperventilating until everything turned black and i fainted in Billy's arms.

●○●○Zak's POV○●○●

We got to the hospital and just waited. We didn't know where she was or what had happened we just waited. Aaron saw June in the hospital while getting his leg checked and then he called us. I felt like i needed to be here. Like she needed me now. And then we saw her. Sobbing in pure pain and running towards us. I got ready to hold her in my arms but she ran straight into Billy's. For some reason i thought i would be the one who should be holding her. All i knew was that someone had died by the look on her face. I didn't know what else to do except just look at her in Billy's arms and feel sorry for her. I felt super useless and a bit mad that i wasn't the one holding her.But then i saw her breathing faster and faster taking shorter and shorter breaths until she fainted.
"Dude i think she blacked out!"- Aaron shouted as the nurses ran over to check on her. They laid her down on the floor and put something under her nose.I got on my knees and looked down at her as she gasped for air. I was relieved to see that she was breathing. She opened her eyes and they met mine right away but then they shut again and left me with a numb,empty feeling in my chest like a part of my soul was just taken away from me.

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