Coming clear

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"You know you have 2 choices. Zak or the other one." -David said trough the phone
"When he finds out there wont be no option about him. He will just leave. Also with my problems it would take YEARS to recover and i know he will push me to.  "
"I think you should really tell him"
"I know. I'ts just hard to talk about and also i don't know what will he say . But i guess it's better now than later. "
"Just remember that if he does anything like makes fun of you then he's dead. Literally. I m sending a hitman on him "
"The scary part is that i know you can actually do that"
"Are your arms clear?"
"Yeah the scars are pretty faded as well so i guess i ll just do it. When i get the courage"
"Great. Listen i have to go now my bae is here. So good luck and call me when you do it. "
"Okay bye"
"Bye Bitch" - he said and i was left alone. It was now the morning and i was getting ready to head down and get breakfast with the rest of the crew. Aaron texted me saying that Zak is better and he will be coming as well. Me and Aaron were texting literally all the time. Sometimes even about the weirdest things.
I took the elevator and on the way i was fixing my outfit a little.

This was what i was wearing with a little makeup and my hair out.
The elevator opened up at the lobby and i saw Zak, Billy and Aaron waiting for me.
"Good morning. Sorry i m a little late so where are we going?"
"I m saying Chinese"
"Sounds good to me" - Billy said and we headed for the door.  We got in the van that we rented for getting around. Aaron was driving and Zak was sitting in the front next to him. I was sitting behind Aaron with Billy next to me. I saw Zak's eyes in the mirror looking at me.
-"Dude you alright? You are being so quiet. "- Aaron asked Zak
"Yeah i just think i m still a little sick" he said and took his eyes off me.  The rest of the way i was just looking out the window while the others were talking. The day was boring and nothing much happened. Until the evening. It was now 10 pm and i got my courage and decided it was the time i tell him. I knocked on his hotel door and he opened.
"Zak, i need to tell you something. "
"Okay?" he said and invited me in. The room was dark bu light was  coming i nfrom the moon lighting thE room up.
"Feel free to fire me and not talk to me ever again after this....You like me and i like you and before this goes any further you should know some things about me. " i started. I was already shaking and i saw his smile die. I t turned into confusion. I then continued-
"I have a lot of issues. A LOT. And i've had them for half of my life. Only 3 other people besides me know this. I hate to talk about it because people think i m insane. " i was now standing and facing the balcony window so i would not have to see his reaction to this. I continued-
"I have no idea how are you going to react to this but...okay i guess ill just say it . I self harm. I have and eating disorder and depression that sometimes makes me suicidal. And body dismorfia. I ve been this way since i was 14. I tried getting help and recovering but therapists don't help. And i hate talking about it. Thats why i m single. Cause i feel like i have too many issues to be loved so i just push everyone away." I was starting to tear up but i was still standing looking out the window. I was scared to look at Zak. I was scared to even look at him ever again. I was now crying and i dropped my bomber jacket showing my arms. I turned around and saw Zak standing in front of me. I just saw his legs. I was still afraid to look at his face so all i saw were my tears hitting the carpet. My mind took the silence as a signal to go.
"I m sorry i ruined your night. Sorry..." as i said that i was rushing to the doors but Zak caught me in his arms and then hugged me.
"I don't understand why would you think that i would fire you or never talk to you again.Only idiots would fire someone so beautiful, caring and loving for something that doesn't matter. And ..does this mean you wont push me away anymore? Cause i would like to go out with you when we get back to Vegas." - he said and i was speechless. I looked up at him to see his perfect face.
"Are you serious? You're not grossed out or freaked? "
"No of course not. Do you want to stay? "
"What did i do to deserve you? " i said and smiled trough the tears that were now coming from my face a little slower. He smiled and wiped a tear away with his thumb. After that i told him a shortened version of my story. About how it all started and how my father called me fat when i was a teen. He seemed to understand. But then he mentioned it...
"But how am i supposed to save you? "
"You don't need to save me, Zak, you simply can't"
"Can i at least try?" -he asked and i sighed with a weak smile.
"Ill go now. I m tired. Goodnight" i said and started walking to the door.
"I m still taking you out" he shouted. I gave him a smile and exited his room. There was only one question on my mind? What was Zak thinking ?

○●○ Zak's POV○●○

She smiled and exited my room. My mind was full of thoughts but the main one was -how do i save her?. I can't just let her do that to herself. Fuck i don't want to see her hurting especially from herself. I m happy that she opened up. But at the same time im tired. Lockdown hangovers that are hard enough and now i need to care for her? I mean i love her but...
Holly shit. I love that moment my phone signaled and i had a new message.
-I miss u baby. Please come over and lets have fun. Or do you want me to come to you? ;) - Christine x
It was my ex girlfriend. Christine Dolce. We broke up about a year ago but she is still texting me and constantly trying to hunt me down. But i hate her. After she cheated on me i realized how stupid i was for letting her in my life. She was all fake. Not truly beautiful like June . It scares me even thinking that i love her. The thing that scares is me that now i m afraid. Afraid that someone might cheat on me again. I knew June was not like that but deeply i was scared to get hurt.
The night was cold. I remembered how she warmed me up when i was sick.  Then the picture of her hands popped in my mind. There was a lot of scars but only on the right wrist.How could anyone do that to themselves? How much pain do you have to feel to harm yourself like that? But did i think she was nuts? -No. Do i think she needs to get help -yes but i know she will resist. And now i didn't know what to do and if i wanted her going on the lockdown. The hangovers are difficult and i don't know what could happen if she goes under that.  Also the lockdown is tomorrow night and i feel ready.

---Next night---

"Who are you and what do you want to do?"i said and went closer to the plastic toy that was laying on the ground. As soon as i touched it i heard laughter. Child laughter.
"Wow did you hear that" i said looking back at June and Aaron.
"Yeah." -Aaron said amazed and June snapped a photo.
"Zak? I think i- there is a child by your side"-she said and i turned looking at my side. I saw an orb floating and then dissapearing in the distance.
"Woah! I think its time to wrap up though. We have caught a lot of evidence. " i said. We all were getting really tired and were now walking back to nerve center. Suddenly someone put a foot in front of me and i landed with my face on the ground.
"Geez ,Zak, you alright?"
"Yeah someone put a foot or something in front of me."- i said while picking myself up from the ground.
"Zak we got that camera" -Jay spoke trough the walkie talkie. I dusted my clothes off and kept walking back to base. June walked besides me and Aaron was in front of us.
"Are you okay?" She quietly spoke near my ear.
"Yeah my hair is not ruined "
"Now it is" she said and messed my hair up.
"What the hell. It doesn't move?! What kind of hair do you have?! " she said and tried to mess it up again.
"Yup. I ve tried everything . Only water can mess it up" -Aaron said and turned back around. I looked at June and she was smiling.
"Don't you dare. I have recorders on me. "-i said looking at her.
"You're lucky i m tired, mr. Bagans, or i would be chasing you with a water bottle right now." -she said and yawned. She looked so cute when she was sleepy it made me smile a little.
"This is how you do it" -Aaron said and then i felt wetness in my hair.
"You really had to do that?" I said and heard him laugh and run past me .

○●○●June's POV ●○●○

I was tired and weak. The lights outside the bus window made me want to drift to sleep. Zak and Aaron was sitting in the front and i was sitting in the back with Billy. Jay was in the far back row sleeping. We all were quiet. I fell asleep for a moment before i hit my head on Billys shoulder.
"Oh i m sorry" - i said lifting my head back up.
"No, its okay. Go ahead. " he said and pushed my head a little on his shoulder."
"No i m--"
"Oh common just-" Billy said but was cut off by Zak
"Dude she said no." -he said angrily looking at us from the front seat.
"Guys, i m trying to sleep" -Jay said from the back. Zak looked at me and then turned back to sitting normally. After a while of silence our hotel came in the view. Everyone got their bags and headed up. I was about to grab my suitcase when Zak took it out of my hands.
"I can carry it." - i said trying to take it back from him.
"Not going to happen." - he said and started heading inside the hotel. He looked a little angry/sad.
"Whats wrong?" - i asked looking at his face.
"It's nothing. I m okay." he said but didn't even looked at me. I could tell he was lying . Something was up and i don't think it was about Billy hitting on me.

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