Chapter 34

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The guys were setting up while we were deciding on the plan. I was going in the tunnels afterall but only a certain part. Or as Zak said- safe parts.  They did the few interwievs and by the stories the tunnels are very hounted. They say that if someone goes in they get called deeper in the maze like tunnels and in the dangerous parts. I was ready though and not scared. It was time. I had my equipment with my camera and everything. I shifted slowly in the tunnel with the guys watching my every step. Well Zak mostly.
"If anything remember that you have your walkie talkie. Be safe." - he said. I ignored him and started walking in. He was being a little over protecting. They were dead silent only with a few occasional water drops hitting the floor.
"A visitor "- a mans voice whispered behind me. I quickly turned around but saw nothing. The vibe felt not demonic but creepy.
"You alright?"- Zak said trough the walkie talkie.
"Yeah. I got a voice."- i said calmly and continued walking. After about five minutes i noticed that the map was not adding up with the tunnels and thats when i knew that i fucked up. I was lost. 
"Zak?"- i said in the walkie talkie.
"Yeah? Is everything okay?"-he instantly replied.
"I think i might be a little lost..."- i said.
"Holy shit, June, i told you this was a horrible idea. How the hell did you get lost? You had the map? Can you not see?"- he said sounding really pissed off.  The vibe changed.i felt emotional and angry at the same time.
"I DON'T KNOW MAYBE ITS CAUSE I'VE BEEN CRYING NONSTOP FOR THE LAST WEEK OVER AN IDIOT AND MY EYES ARE SORE!!"- i spat back in the walkie talkie and threw it on the ground making its batteries fall out and in a puddle. I felt instant regret That was my only way out and now i guess i will live here.
"Lets save.....unless...haha"- a woman's voice said in a whisper far away. I followed it cause there wasnt a way that i could get more lost than i was. After a while i heard another voice and i just kept following.  i was starting to panic a little and then i heard footsteps and  got really freaked out.
"June?" - i heard Aarons voice call.
"I m here."- i said and ran in the direction of his voice. I ran into him and he held me by my shoulders.
"Are you insane? We are never ever letting you go alone anywhere."
"Sorry?"- i asked as we were now slowly going to where he came from. The exit i guess.
"Oh, save that for Zak. You really did snap at him. He was just worried , you know?"- he said. Fuck o fuck. I have messed up again.
Aaron somehow squeezed through the exit first and it was my turn. I was deciding on whether i should stay in cause i was not ready to face Zak. I got out and sat on the ground to take a breath.
"I got some pretty good evidence guys."i announced and saw Zak storming up. He rested his hands on his knees and looked me in my eyes as i was still sitting in the ground.
"Don't EVER risk your life like that ever again."- he said in a deep voice all serious. The look he gave me meant more than the words he said.
"I m sorry."- i said. He laughed , repeated my words and walked back to the nerve centre.
The investigation continued and we were separated on different floors. There was no signs of the paranormal where i was so i started taunting them and surly someone showed up on my SLS camera. It was someone standing in the hallway. The camera glitched and when the picture reappeared the figure was standing even closer. It started waving and i freaked out. Zak heard me and came over. I gave him a sign to be quiet. He was now holding the SLS and i was trying to get an evp.
"You know you can  leave right? You don't have to stay here. " - i said ,it stopped waving and just stood there.
"Yeah. Thats right. Go into the light. You no longer have an earthly connection. Leave now."- i said. The figure waved as if it was saying goodbye and dissapeared. I looked at Zak. He seemed amazed.
"Thats what were here to do right? Help them. "- i said and started walking out like a boss.
"I must say- i m impressed. "- he said following me. I smiled feeling proud. The rest of the night i was in nerve center watching the cameras with Billy. It was a good night. Noone got attacked, i didn't die and the vibe felt like sad instead of scary or demonic. Zak could sense that too. He could also sense that i was staring at him. I kindof was . We got back to the hotel we were staying at. It wasnt very luxury but i m not a queen but Zak for sure was. This time we did have separate rooms just to not make the same mistake again. We had to leave fast to the location so i just dropped all my stuff in his room. I was picking up my bags and he was unpacking his.
"Youre doing it again."- he said with a little smile. Why does his every movement turn me on ?
"Umm, excuse me? I m not doing anything"-i said whith a smirk and looked down .
"No, youre just kindof staring. Constantly."
"Sorry then? I m going now"- i said and started walking out. Before exiting i looked back.
"Goodnight Zak."- i said looking in his beautiful face, smiling and closing the door. I still had the sparks every time i looked at him. But we did surely have to go back to where we were - slowly. It felt cold sleeping on my own. Knowing the fact that he was just behind a wall made me lack sleep but me and Zak agreed. Well Zak mostly after what happened after the previous lockdown. He just wanted me to be safe from him which was sweet but sad at the same time.
Morning came after what seemed like forever. I woke up to my phone ringing . I didnt even look at who was calling- i just picked it up.
"Yeah?"- i asked in a sleepy voice.
"Ill meet you at the lobby in an hour. Wear something comfortable. "- he said sounding in a good mood.
"Okay?"- i asked unsure of what he had planned.
"Bye"- he said and before i could say goodbye he ended the call. I stretched like a wild animal in my bed and got in the shower. After that i decided on my outfit. This day was one of those rare ones when i felt girly enough to wear skirts.

This was my outfit ( except the purse) for the day along with my long blonde hair let down in waves

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This was my outfit ( except the purse) for the day along with my long blonde hair let down in waves . An hour had already passed by and i was hurrying downstairs. I finally raced out of the elevator and down to the lobby to find Zak standing. He smiled seeing me.
"Goodmorning, beautiful."- he said making me smirk.
"Goodmorning to you two, but how about we don't be so cheesy ,eih?"
"As you wish. Lets go then."- he said and started walking.
"Oh, where are we going? The guys are not coming?"- i asked and catched up with him.
"Nope. All of them are somewhere in the city. Today its going to be just two of us...unless you-  "- he said with a grin like he had stuff planned.
"No, sounds perfect to me."- i said and smiled. We continued walking somewhere and chatting. We were passing a bar where some biker dudes were drinking. I was walking a littlw behind Zak cause i was just looking at everything and had to catch up once in a while.
"Hey there hotness. "-one of them said and the other one whistled. Zak didn't notice that and i just tried to ignore them untill one of them touched my hand to get my attention.
"Hey, don't touch me."
"Oh guys this one is fisty. "- the gross bearded dude said and they all laughed. Zak suddentlly pushed me further from the dude and grabbed him by his shirt. Zak in comparison was much taller and muscular that the biker guy.
"You get youre dirty fucking hands off her before i don't break them."- he said in a deep growly voice in that dudes face.
"Hey, hey  man, sorry. I said i m sorry."
"You better be."- Zak  said and let him go of his shirt. I pulled Zak away by his hand and we kept walking.
"You didn't have to do that. I would've handled it myself."-i said to him.
"I just feel very protective when it comes to you.  And which guy would let some nasty dude touch his girl? Noone."- he said.
"Maybe they did that cause we don't look together?"-i asked. He sighed.
"I already told you. Were in public and i cant hold your hand even if i wanted to.  "
"I know. But i wasnt asking for that anyways." - i sighed and looked away feeling upset but i guess thats just how its going to be. But the upsetting thoughts went away when i saw a theme park right infront of us. No. Way.
"Zak? Are we going where i think we are?"- i asked. He grinned and i already knew the anwser.  This is going to be a great day.

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