The spark

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●○●○June' POV○●○●

I heard every single word. And it broke my heart to know that he was into me. I felt the same but i know i can't be with anyone. I ll just break their heart and my own. I ran downstairs as fast as i could without Aaron seeing me . He sat next to me on the couch.
"Now you know. Do you feel the same? "-Aaron asked
"What?"- i tried playing dumb.
"Oh don't pretend. I know you heard us. "
"I ll tell you only if you promise to not tell him anything. Cause if you do i wont be able to trust you ever again"- i seriously said. He nodded his head and promised.
" Yes i feel the same's just not possible."
"Why not? "
"Cause he doesn't know me. He doesn't know wh- ...its just complicated."- i said and took my phone.I felt like i was going to break down and that i had to get out of there. I remembered that i could call an uber. And so i did.
"Can i ask you something?"-Aaron asked.
"You know what your grandfathers spirit was talking about, right?" -he said and looked at me.
"I do. But i don't need to be saved or anything."- i said and looked down at my phone. I had a text that my uber is here so i continued."i have to go now. " i said and started walking to the door.
"Where are you going? " he shouted after me. I turned my head back and said-
"Home. Goodnight" i smiled at him and got in the uber. After a 10 minute ride i got to my apartment. I got in my bed and set the alarm for 2 pm. Before falling asleep i broke down. I was laying in my bed hugging Zak's hoodie and crying my heart out until i fell asleep.
I woke up and got ready to be in pain. This was the day i was going to get my cut stitched together. I had an appointment at 4 pm . I had no choice but to uber there since my car was still at Zak's house. I now was at the hospital in the waiting room. My heart dropped when i saw that on the other side of the waiting room someone familiar sat. Aaron. I was nervous enough and now i was worried that i might be seen. The nurse called my name out loud and that's when i knew. I m busted. I walked in and they started sewing right away. When they were done they offered me rehab centers and gave me a bunch of pages and papers of places that i could go. I acted like i was considering it and took it. Before i left i asked them if they had any back doors that i could use to get out of there unnoticed. The allowed me to go trough the backdoor and i called uber again. As i was waiting i put the papers and the rehab offers in the trash. I saw with the corner of my eye that someone was coming. Holly shit. It was Zak. He was still far away and i acted like i didn't see him and got in the uber which arrived right in time.
I got back to my apartment and i was now on a lot of painkillers but at least i did something about it. David was still gone in New York and i felt alone. I changed my clothes and sat on my computer for 3 hours and after that i decided to paint. It was now almost 10 pm and i was about to start when i heard someone knock on my door. I looked trough the hole and saw that it was Zak. He had grapes and black roses. I opened the door and there he was smiling at me. I started smiling automatically when i saw him and i let him in with nothing more than a smile.
"I brought you these. I thought you might like them."
"These are so beautiful. I didn't even know you can find them in Vegas. Thank you. " i said and hugged him. He was so warm and i could feel his muscles touch my body and it made me shiver.
"Oh and i also brought these"- he said and handed me the grapes.
"Thank you. So whats the reason behind this sudden visit?" I said and turned to him while putting the roses in a vase.
"Just visiting"-he said and we both smiled at each other. We walked in the bedroom and i sat down on the bed next to him. He was staring at my blank canvas.
"You want to try?" - i asked him.
"Can i ?" - he said smiling. I laughed at him and put another molbert next to mine.
"You're going big or small?" - i asked him while looking in my closet for blank canvas.
"Ill leave that for you to choose"- he said and i smiled. I took another one like mine . He got up and stood next to me. I gave him a palet and put a box of colors in the middle for us to share.
"So how do i start?"
"Just let your hand do it. It doesn't have to be anything "- i said and started covering my in black and blue color. He looked confused and didn't know what to do. But he was still smiling and looking at me. I looked at him and took his hand with the brush in it. I dipped it in black paint and just brought it up against the canvas but not yet touching it.
"Just do it" -i said and he finally touched the blank space with the brush.
"Am i doing it?" - he asked .
"Yeah just keep going. Now maybe try to make it into something "- i said and laughed at his confused face. He clearly had no idea what he was doing but it was cute. He struggled for about 10 minutes and it mostly was me laughing at him . My painting only had some white trees on the black sky background.
"I think i m done torturing you...for now." I said and he put down the brush and came closer to me to look at my painting.
"I don't understand how do you do this."-he said and looked at me.
"I think i need to let this one dry before i continue." - i said and put my brush down and went so sit in my bed. He sat in front of me. Just like that night. With just a plate between us. We talked for a while and once in a while laughed.
"I have a weird question."- i said and smirked at him. He looked at me with a questioning look so i just took that as a yes.
"Can i see that tattoo on your back?"-i asked and he nodded. We got up and he turned his back to me and lifted up his shirt. I put one hand on his shoulder and with the other one i traced the outline of his tattoo. I saw him shiver and it made me smile. Hes body was perfect and seeing just his back made me melt.
" It's really beautiful" - i whispered and he looked over his shoulder at me. He dropped his shirt on the floor and turned to me.He reviled his abs and i gasped from how hot he looked shirtless. We looked in each other's eyes. I felt so comfortable with him. Like i was safe. He put his hand on my jawline and ran his thumb across my cheek.
"your beautiful"- he said and put his hand on my waist. I looked at his hand and then back at him and gave him a little smile. He smiled back and slowly started to lean in. I whispered to myself
"Screw it" and crushed my lips against his. They both moved perfectly together. He pulled away and kissed me again this time with more passion. I put my hands on the back of his head and neck as we kissed. I pulled away to take a breath. And after a second of heavy breathing i attacked his lips again and he put my thighs around his waist while still kissing. After a while he drooped me on the bed and crawled over me and kissed me again. He then started kissing down my neck. I gasped from his kisses and arched my neck.
"I think we should stop before we can't"- i whispered. He didn't answer. He looked at me and started kissing me on my lips again. I slowly started so sit back up with us still kissing. I wanted him but we needed to stop. I pulled away and looked at him
"What'wrong?" -he asked .
"I m sorry, i cant."i said and turned my head away from him. He picked up my chin and lifted my face up to his.
"I can't tell you that." I said and sat a little back so we wouldn't be so close anymore
"Why? Why can't you tell me? "- he said and tried looking in my eyes but i kept looking down.
"I just simply can't. You would never understand." -i said and felt tears rise in in my eyes
"But how do you know i won't? You can trust me. Is it about what your grandfather was talking about?" he asked .
"Zak...please lets not talk about this. You will probably find out for yourself. And then you will want nothing to do with me. "
"Hey that's not true. Nothing can change my mind about you. "He said and i lifted my eyes to look at him. He saw the tears in my eyes and wiped them away with his thumb.
"You promise?"
"Of course i do" he said and he kissed me gently . I felt the spark and it made me smile. Eather he felt it too or he smiled because i smiled but he smiled too. He put my forehead against his. After a moment he got up and looked at me . He then asked
-"Should i leave now?"
I smiled at him and said
-"No, not this time. "

Thank you so much for reading. Comment and vote if you enjoyed. Also i will be updating every other day because of school. :)


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