Underworld on earth

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Aaron opened a slight crack through the doors and handed me Zak's key card so i could have a place to stay since the excorsism was going on in my room. Damn i hope he doesnt break my laptop... i looked at the keycard and realised his room was right next to mine. So maybe he was confused and thats ehy he entered my room in the first place.
I was sitting on Zak's bed and everything smelled like him. Memories started coming back and his demonic screams from the door next door did not make it better. A tear rolled down my cheek. I still felt things for him, but by now the way that things have happened, there was no chance of us fixing it and getting back together. Another loud scream occured and then there was silence. It was not an ordinary scream. He screamed my name.. it hit hard and i bolted out of the room to get to him. I sprinted in and ran to Zak. I did not even hear priests and Aarons calls to not go near him. I sat next to him and just hugged him. He was so still and warm. Almost like he was dead.

I felt something wierd. Like a mood shift occur, everything was foggy and saturated. Felt like a drug trip. Aaron pulled me back by my arms and threw me out of my room meanwhile the priest was cussing me out with unholy words. Truly unholy if i may say so.
Everything felt calm. Like i was in trance. I sat back in to Zak's bed and just existed. My thoughts were nonexistant .

I saw a lady enter my room. She didnt knock, just entered.
"Occupied" i said , thinking it was house cleaning.
"Its 2 am honey, i m not a house keeper" she said in a calm voice. I looked her dead in the eyes and saw nothing. She had no eyes. Just black spots on her face. Yet still i remained calm as she continued to aproach.
"That man next door sure was possesed" she laughed.
"Yea..wait how do u know? Who even are you ? It seems funny to you?? " i asked and got mad. This bitch really dared to just walk into my room and just not mind her own buisness.
I looked at her. She was still laughing.
"Yea because you are next" she said and my heart dropped as i suddently saw that she just vanished in thin air... i quickly took my phone and searched for the emergency rehab number. My mental health must be shifting again...

"Put that down , there is no need to do that. " i heard a man say... hearing the voice i instantky started crying and were slowly starting to realise ehat was going on. It was my grandpa.
"Is this real, pops? Or am i sick again?"i asked him. I didnt dare to look up ,but i did saw too legs. His legs and his pants that he loved. I felt the bed shift as someone sat down.
"Please dont be afraid, June. Ive been waiting to talk to you for 4 years now." he said in a calm voice. I still couldnt believe ehat was going on. I dared to look up and saw him. His eyes were dark aswell...
"I've missed you so much Pops. Am i going insane ? What happened? " i asked in a shaky voice. As i was reaching my hand to meet his , his hand started blurring. It felt like cold air.
"June, the demon that possesed Zak died. The priest killed him but you ran in at the wrong moment. I believe that you can now see the world of the dead, like the demon did. You took a part of his powers" he said sounding a little worried.
"This cant be real... " i said and rubbed my eyes. As i opened them , he was still there.
"Its real" -he said and started fading away.
" why are you fading? No , dont leave yet, i have so many questions" - i said and started panicking.
"My time for now is up. Remember - dont trust any spirits, they can pretend, lie . Be careful, i love you!"he said and faded complitly.
"I love you too" i whispered in disbelief.

"I m sick, i m delusional, all this stress, im dreaming, the medication is making me halucinate, i m going insane" i told myself as i was sitting on the side of my bed. But what are you even supposed to do when you start seeing ghosts ? I think i handeled it pretty good, not gonna lie. I decided to go to sleep , hoping that tomorrow this will be gone.

I woke up at 4 am.
"Shes sleeping, lets let her sleep"
"No , we need her help"
"Fuck , just pull her by her leg"
"Are u crazy, she'll never help us then"
"Are you even sure that this is the right one?"
"I told you, yes, i saw her talking to one of our kind."
Many voices whispered in my room. I squeezed my ears shut and fell asleep again. I was exhausted and i m not litting my mental illness take away my sleep.

I woke up from noises in the room. I instantly woke up and jumped up. Yeasterday felt like a nightmare and i sure hope  that it was just one. I saw Zak in the room. We looked at eachother and i got up and started getting dressed.
"So are you just going to ignore me now?" -i asked him. I was fucking frusterated with his actions, even tho he was possesed before.
"What do u want me to do? Shower you with compliments and be your best friend? "  He asked calmly. Damn he was such an asshole. I laughed.
"Whats funny?"he asked.
"Whats funny? How about the fact that you forgot about me even though you promised and spent your time sticking your dick in fake bitches. And hey, how about yesterday ? When you fucking tried to kill me? And whats with the attitude? Did i ever did something wrong? All i m asking is for basic fucking human desency and you cant even talk normally with me?? I m not the same little naive girl you used ,Zak, ive changed." I screamed in his face. I was so fed up with his shit.
His eyes flared up and he cleanched his fist. The hell broke loose...
He started slow and then full out screaming .
"I forgot about you? Are you stupid? You never even told me where you were going ? I searched you for 2 years and thought that you might have died. I cried endless nights while sleeping without you! Excuse me for trying to fill the void that you made when you left!" I didnt wait a moment before spitting back.
"Yea well u sure were filling up those holes good , and it seems like many too" i saod and smiled all up in his face
"Oh come on, like you didnt fuck around ." He said and looked me up and down.
"In rehab? No Zak, i was not fucking anyone if you are that retarded that i have to explain it to you" i said with full rage. I was about to pass out honestly.
"And i was possesed you insensitive bitch, it wasnt my fault you cant stay away from me!" Zak said and turned away. I turned him back around and slapped him in the face.



" ill call upon spirits and make them eat you up and drag you to hell ,you piece of shit. " i screamed in a deep voice. As i realised what i said and how i said it, Zak was already taking steps backward. He seemed terrified.
Only now i realised that i the window was busted open and the lights were flickering. I snapped out of it. It all stopped.
"Who are you? " Zak asked as he tripped and fell to the ground and continued to crawl away backwards from me.
"I m June or maybe as you call me- insensitive bitch.. " i said and calmly sat down on the bed. I was not possesed, i didnt feel possesed... i felt powerful though. As i kept thinking to myself , Zak passed out. The big demon hunter deadass just passed out from an electicity malfunction and some wind. Damn.
I walked out the room , straight down to breakfast. I know that i was lying to myself but i was not ready to realise whats happening..

Me and the guys sat at the table and were having fun conversations about things i missed out on. Zak joined us and the table went silent. Everyone knew by now that Zak was possesed yeasterday, so they did not want to annoy his sensitive ass with talks. He kept staring at me. He didnt seem scared anymore, more like intrigued...
"You okay? " i asked him as i caught his stare. Everyone looked at Zak waiting for his reply.
"Yea, i think so" he said calmly.

To be honest i have only one question - what the actual fuck is going on with my life??

A/N hey guys, please comment and let me know if you want me to continue, brcause i will even if just one of you comments. It really gets me going. See ya :)

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