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I woke up from the light hitting my face making me remember last night. Zak had made the wrong move giving me alcohol . I get sleepy and tired from it. That night i wanted Zak as much as he did me but it ended up with me falling asleep. He's big arms were wrapped around me and i could feel his naked chest against my back. He was warm and his smell...hits me like a truck every time. I carefully turned around in his arms facing him. He was asleep and all i could do was creepily admire his face and keep falling for him even more. I stroked his messy hair back and softly dragged my thumb against his lips. I leaned in and kissed him on his soft lips. Suddenly he turned on his back and i was pulled on top of him. I pulled back to find him smiling and looking at me.
"Do i get another one?" - he asked smiling. I smiled and sat down properly on his chest.
"What if you dont?"
"Then ill take one myslef. "- he said rolling me over so he would be on the top. I smiled and he dived in for the kiss. I tilted my head and pulled him closer. He started with a few small pecks and then continued working with my lips. I bit his lower lip and he kissed me more passionate. My hands were holding his jawline . I sinked in my pillow and pulled away.
"As much as i love kissing you and staying with you i really should get my own room. I don't want the guys to know."- i said gliding my hands on his chest.
"I m afraid they already know."
"You told them?"- i said in a nervous voice.
"No, but i think these give it away. "- he said smiling and pointing to my neck. On no. Love bites.
"I m not the only one. " i said and pointed to his neck.
"I think we need to go and get ready. "
"No, we have 35 more minutes left." He said and kissed me again. Taste of his lips is addicting and even more when hes shirtless but i managed to roll him off me. He rolled down next to me and hugged me while i was sleeping on his chest. I took his hand and kissed his knuckles .
"You don't use steroids right?"- i asked.
"Not anymore. "
"Good, cause they make your dick shrink. I mean not that i wouldn't like you with a shrunken dick . I m just saying "
"How do you know if it's not already shrunken and small. "- he said. He made it awkward and now i had to tell him.
"Not to make you feel awkvard or anything " i fake caughed and pointed to his member. He had a massive boner and when i  say massive, i mean it. No wonder he wears pants that are way too big for him. 'Dont think dirty thoughts, June . You ain't a hoe. Calm down...breathe. '- i thought to myself.
"Lets just..." - he said and covered it with the blanket. I smirked and i could see his cheeks get a little red.
"What? I have no controle over it." - he said with an embrerassed smile and i giggled. i bet i was as red as a tomato.
"I ll get you your own room if you want but for that you have to go out with me tonight. "
"Isn't the lockdown tonight? "
"No,it's  tommorow but we are doing all the interviews today. You can stay at the hotel if you want to. "
"Can i? You wont be mad right?"
"No, of corse not. "- he said and kissed my forehead  pulling me closer to his body. A few weeks back i dreamt of having him next to me and now it was reality. I m mean i m not his girlfriend but i m not going to ask for too much. Later he and the guys left and i was left alone with the taste of Zak's last kiss still lingering on my lips. I texted Max and David that i was alright and i headed out in the city.

5 pm.

I opened the hotel doors. Finally home. Zak walked over at me and hugged me.
"You forgot your phone. "- he said looking sad.
"Yeah, i m sorry. You okay?"- i said touching his face.
"I just got scared. You dissapeared. "
"Sorry... so how was the day?"
"Like usual. That hotel has a lot of suicide records and some satanic rituals. Not that dangerous but we already  got an evp. Where were you?  . "- he said as i took off my shoes.
"Just got some new things. Explored a little. "
"I have a surprise for you." - Zak said and smiled .
"I promise you, it's not a whip. "- he said and covered my eyes. I laughed and he started guiding me over to somewhere.  It was a short walk and he finally took his hands off my face. It was a dress. A beautiful black dress with long sleeves and a v neck that showed some cleavage. It ws actually a dress i ve been wanting for a while.
"How did you know?"
"Do you like it?"
"Of course. Thank you. " -i said snd kissed his cheek. I went and put it on while Zak walked away.
"Zak? Can tou please zip me up?" I shouted and he came running. He was in a fancy suit and i only noticed it when i turned around.  After s while i got ready and we were sneaking out by one out of the hotel in case any of the guys were wondering around. We took a cab and we were on our way. Our conversation never died. The car stopped and we got out. It was a fancy, Italian  restraunt and i was ready to eat food. The building itswlf was suoer high and i could only imagine the wiev from up there. Zak had a reservation on  the second floor and it was a table in the corner by the window. We sat down and we were laughing and having a great time and after 10 minutes we had our food brought.
"No way. How did you?"- i said pointing to the food. It was my favorite EVER.
"I apologised to David. We're cool now." - i smiled at that knowing that the 2 men i loved were now getting along. Also that explained the food cause only David knew what's my favorite italian food. The waitress offered us vine but Zak denied and shot me a grin. The dinner was over and i was happy. The evening was amaizing and i couldn't ask for more. We were heading out when he changed the directions we were going. I looked at him confused and he smiled at me and said
"It's not over."- he said and pushed the lyft button . The doors opened and we walked inside. He pushed a button and then hid the panel behind his body.
"You and the surprises." I said. Our conversation slowed down a bit but i loved every bit of the silence. The doors opened and my breath was taken. We were at the roof of the building and the wiev was unbelievable.
"I can't even - this is amaizing." I said looking over the railings. I looked over at Zak and he was looking at me and smiling.
"Youre missing the wiev. "
"Oh, i m looking at something more beautiful." - he said and took my hands . He guided me a little further away from the railings and we looked eyes. I could feel my heart skip a beat just by him holding my hands.
"June ,I know we don't know eachother that long. But i don't need more time to figure out if  i love you, cause i know i loved you since the first day we met. You make me go mad just by your touch and ive never felt this way about anyone ever. June, i love you and will you be my girlfriend?"- he spoke looking in my eyes . By now i was in tears. I nodded and jumped in his arms hugging him tight. I pulled away and cupped his face and kissed him passionately. He pulled away  and held up his finger.
"One more thing. A while ago i messed up. I m messed up by saying something i can't forgive myself so i m making you a promise. "- he said pulling out a box out of his pocket and opened it. It was a necklace and at the end of it there was a blue heart.
"By giving you this i promise to love you unconditionally and of course commit. " -he said and opened it. In the middle there was picture of me and Zak. It was from that time when we first flew together and we fell asleep holding hands and sleeping on eachother shoulder. He guided his hands around my neck slowly moving the hair out of the way and putting the necklace on...

Sorry guys you had to wait so long but tell me what you think. I love feedback and comments.:) .
Spoiler alert- next part might or might not contain mature content. ;)
Hope you have a nice day. Byee.

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