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I still couldn't believe we kissed and now he was staying. I t felt so wrong but so right at the same time. When i told him to stay he crawled in the bed with me.
"I m sorry to disappoint you but i sleep like this."-i said and smiled. Yes i sleep in a hoodie and leggings. He looked at me and smiled. He got in the bed and put his hand over my head and basically put my head on his chest. He was so warm and i could her his heart . That calmed me and turned me on at the same time.
"And whats gonna happen now?"-he asked.
"I don't know. What do you want to happen?"
"I really like you, you know?."
"That's a stupid question."
"No ,really why?"- i said and looked up at him. We looked in each others eyes and got lost.
"Cause your beautiful, funny, smart, great at ghost hunting."-i laughed at that and he smiled .
"Now were just being cringy and cheesy. "- i said and laid my head back on his chest and traced his abs with my fingers.
"I m afraid you'll change your mind about this."- he said. I froze. I knew it was true. I knew i would think this was a mistake in the morning. I didn't say anything and he took that as a yes.
"So i guess i ll just have to enjoy this while i can." -he said and we both smiled and we were now looking at each other again.  I soon fell asleep to his heart beat.
When i woke up i was alone. I saw little note on my phone that said -"I m sorry ,i had to go, but ill see you soon. :)     -Zak "
"Where did he have yo go in the middle of the night? That's a bit weird but whatever. Oh shit. Oh no. Maybe he saw my wrists and got the fuck out. " My mind was literally thinking of every single thing that could have passably happened. I calmed myself down and loged in my facebook. I was scrolling down the feed when a suggested page hit me like a brick. It read -"The lead investigator of the ghost adventures show -Zak Bagans has been seen with his new girlfriend last night at a Vegas casino. " 
"No fucking way he took off to go to a casino..."
And then i saw the pictures. It was him with a girl...who looked like a hooker...walking out of the casino.  She was a platinum blonde and with big boobs and in a super short and slutty dress. She was wrapping her hands around him in every picture. You couldn't really see Zak's face but i knew it was him by his tattoos.  I didn't know what to think. "I guess when he doesn't get laid at the 5th day of knowing someone, he goes to a casino and gets a slut to fuck. Sorry.  I m just feeling mad at him. But like what the hell? " i thought and turned on my phone. There was a text from Aaron.
"Hey i wanted to tell you that the next lockdown is in 2 weeks. We have a lot of series pre recorded so we can take a little break for now. Me and the guys are going out tomorrow night. You coming? "
"Hey, no i m sorry i can't. I have things i need to do but you guys have fun :)!" - i wrote and hit send. Then i had a little moment when i realized how fucked up my mind was. I needed to get away for a while...from everyone. I knew were i wanted to go. I packed my stuff and took my painting equipment too. I wrote a little note and put it on my nightstand. I got in my car and took off to a place i could feel free in...a place where i could be away from everyone.

_____3 days later____

●○●○ Zak's POV○●○●

Its been 5 days since i ve heard from her. I feel super shitty about leaving her in the middle of the night but i had to pick up my drunk producent before she did anything dumb.
None of us knew where was June and we were starting to get worried. We haves been blasting her with calls and texts but it was like she disappeared. We also went to her apartment but it was locked and quiet. I was hoping that she is okay but something felt wrong. I called her best friend David. He gave me his number when we were at her place and i was now glad i took it.
-"Hey, David. This is Zak"

"Hey whats up?"

''hey do you now where is june? she has dissapeared for 5 days.''

it went to where also he was now worried and we both and Aaron to her apartment.

''Are you ready? You might not like what we find.''

By now i was scared. Me and Aaron looked at each other not understanding what he meant by that. He finally unlocked the door and we ran inside. I heard David sigh from relief when all we found was a note on her nightstand. He took it in his hand and said-

"She's gone"
"What? " i said and snatched the note from his hands. The note said
"Hi, David. I know if anyone will read then it will be you since you are the only one with a spare key. So yeah. I m gone. Things sometimes fell too much for me so i had to go away for a while. To clear my mind ya know. I will be back until the next lockdowm so don't worry. Don't bother trying to find me -you wont. Also if anyone asks i m on a vacation with my boyfriend or say something better if you can think of anything . Take care
                                               -June...duh. "
David turned to me and asked
-"what did you do?"
"What did you do to make her leave? She doesn't do that much you know. Las time she did that she -"he said but he was cut of by the apartment door opening. It was June with her suit case coming in. She came in not seeing us and then lifted her head. She jumped and held her hand against her chest.
"Oh fuck. You almost scared me to death. What are you all doing here?"
David went and hugged her. He looked at her and cupped her face as she smiled and he whispered something to her. I felt jealous. I felt like i could punch him . He let her go and she looked at Aaron and me.
"Where were you? We were starting to get worried" Aaron said.
"I went away for a while. Needed to clear my mind. Also i forgot my charger and my phone died. " she  said and connected it with her charger. After that David told us to better go now .  I sent Aaron to the car and told him ill be right here. I needed to talk to June while David was in the other room. She stood in front of the counter and turned around hearing my footsteps. Our eyes met and made that wierd magical conection again. But before i could go any closer that piece of shit David poped out if nowhere .
"Are you going?" He asked and looked at me. I nodded and left. I hated leaving Junewith that dude. He seemed suspicious to me . June told us he was gay but it didnt seem like it by the way he looked at her. But was i the reason she left? My thoughts raced like wind. And i decided she's going to be mine no matter what.

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