The escape room

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Aarons company was so comforting that i could almost forget what i had done. Although Aaron did not fully agree with my decitions, he did admit that me and Zak were a time bomb. One thing about Aaron is that he will always find the light in the dark , its what i  have always admired about him.
" You know you will have to see him again, right?" Aaron said and raised his eyebrow
"Where, in court? He did threaten to sue me."  I smirked and took another sip of my prosecco.
" Eather that or in the office, to break the contract in good terms... its not as easy as you'd think"
" I m sure that he will find a way to avoid me, not really his fave person right now"
" I mean, i know that Zak is my best friend and all ,but he had it coming, he really did kind of deserve to be put in his place!" He laughed
" Right? And he is so sure that i am the villan ! Denial is a river in egypt, he is a fuckboy and treats women like shit! " i said. Me and Aaron laughed.
"Amen!" Aaron said.
" Hey, i know you might say no, but i have to ask.."
" When have i said no to anything?"  He said and raised his eyebrow.
" I have a joint that is too big for me, so if you could help me-"
" Are you kidding, damn i havent smoked weed since highschool! Yes ,lets do it!" He exclaimed. Surprising how excited he was..
There we were, in his backyard by the fire pit which was not the only thing we lit up.
" You know what Aaron, i dont think people appreciate you enough!"
" Oh stop it, i m just tryina spread the good!"
" But does anyone ever ask you what you have been up to? How you feel? Look, even i am here to gush about my life, shit i m selfish"
" I enjoy that .You know it has never been easy for me in life but listening to others, it makes me feel like i can do some good in this world"
" Aaron, thats beautiful, you are a beautiful soul ,man"
" Ahh stop it, you are not so bad yourself" he laughed
" You know i think i fucked up really bad, i should not have said those things. On the other hand - he did have it coming. But still... should i apologise?" I asked Aaron. He always knew what to say, he was like a monk you ask for wisdom.
" I dont think he wants to hear it, atleast not yet."
" But what if i leave and never get to do it, what if it eats me alive "
"If you worry about what not apologising will do to you, then you are doing it for the wrong reasons. But we can also always lock you two in a room ,like in movies." Aaron laughed
" That would get very ugly ,very fast. "
"Do you think it would work?"
" Yea if we dont kill eachother.."
Me and Aaron spent the rest of the night talking, smoking and just enjoying eachothers company. I took an uber home and woke up to a new day and new problems.

I thought that Zak would have blocked me everywhere by now but he had done quite the opposite. I slept in late due to last nights activities and woke up to 3 text messages from Zak.
"Come by the museum at 3, lets get the paperwork in order and part ways. No need to drag this out. "
The next one read-  "Let me know if you can make it "
And then another one - " Dont be childish just reply. I dont have time for this."
He was still very very salty, but so was i to be fair. I checked the time, it was 2:35. Shit. I quickly sent a reply to Zak - "Ill be there"  and started getting myself ready for the final goodbye. It was important for me to look good on this day so i didnt mind being late. Dont think he can get angrier at me.
I sped down the highway and finally arrived at the museum at 3:15. The building felt more dark than usual with the storm approaching in the background. I took a deep breath knowing that this will be a quick goodbye and ill be off to start a new life.
Making my way to his office was terrifying, with each step my heart seemed to pound faster and faster untill it skipped a beat as i opened the doors. He sat there, serious. Not a hair out of place, you could tell he had been getting ready. God forbid a man will show any signs of weakness. We stared eachother down.
" Thought you wouldnt show after all" he said in a stern voice. 
" You wish. This needs to be done and finished." I said and took a seat across his dark desk. The room was very dim, he liked to keep all the rooms spooky.
" Agreed. So , where is it? " He asked and took me by surprise.
"What is where?" I frowned.
" The evidence you texted me about"
"What evidence? I didnt text you Zak, you texted me- ooohh shit shit shit shit" i started rambling as i shot up from my chair and ran for the door. They locked right as i twisted the handle. A note slid under the door. It read :" Dear Zak and June, you two are insufferable. We have decided to lock you in this room untill you make amends. No , this is not a joke, have fun! - The GAC crew :) "  i was i shock.
"This is not fucking funny, if you dont let me out of this lion cage i will literally call the cops for kidnapping me. " i yelled through the door.
" What the fuck?" Zak asked as he approached and ripped the note out of my hands.
" I will fire all of you if you dont open this door. That is not a threat ,that is a promise!" He said in a very loud voice.
" This is not a fucking movie guys, this shit isnt funny or okay!" I said and slammed on the doors. Zak put his ear against the door, we both listened but it was dead quiet. He took a deep breath and returned to his desk.
" So what , are you just going to sit there?" I asked him in disbelief
" What do you want me to do? Break the door?" He said in a emotionless tone.
" Cant you? "
" That door is an original to the house, i m not breaking my property over some dumb prank. They will let us out ,they know better than to trap me in here with you."
" Does not seem so " i sighed and approached the window, searching for an escape.
"They are nailed shut" he said in a low voice.
" Why would you nail your windows closed? Or was is original to the house?" I teased but he did not reply. I  sat on the ground and stared off into the wall. What the hell is my life and why has it become a drama movie. You might be wondering why am i not calling the cops right now, but ever since Zak implimented his no phone policy, we were not allowed to bring in cellphones into the museum. He said that the energy scared the ghosts and i did believe that. I left that phone in my car only out of respect for the ghosts ,not Zak.
We sat in silence ,it was the loudest silence ive ever experienced, the air was tense.
"I am not making amends with you, we might die here" Zak announced. He was writing something on his desk, probably just something to keep his mind occupied.
" Are you writing your will? "
" Suicide letter" he spat back.
" Damn, thats dark" i said.
Again, silence. My eyes wondered the room, searching for some kind of entertainment. All of the books were old and fragile, i knew it would upset Zak if i even dared to touch them so i kept my hands to myself. It started pouring heavily outside, the storm was approaching.
" You can sit in a chair ,you dont have to sit there like a dog" he mumbled , still preoccupied with his writing.
" Like a female dog? " i said and took a seat in the chair across his desk. To be honest i dont know why i kept teasing him like this, i think its just my nature to annoy him, cant help it. Again, no response, just silence and the rain.
" If you'd know how much i hate you, you wouldnt keep teasing me like that" he mumbled again.
"Oh i think you made that pretty clear to me. If you do decide to punch me, just make sure i dont get back up  " oh my god , i really cant help myself, can i?
" Just stop talking " he said. I felt offended but he had a fair point,i was winding him up for an outburst.
" How did Aaron get your phone?" He asked a few seconds later.
" So i can speak?"
"Just answer the question please" he said.
" We smoked a shit ton of weed " i said. He looked up at me for the first time since the doors have been locked .
" So you do drugs now?" He said, not asked.
" No but i had a pretty good reason to, i have this boss who threatened me and-"
"Stop that" he cut me off. "Stop blaming me for all your stupid actions" he raised his voice. I took a second to compose a response that wouldn't send him off in a murderous rage. I came up with nothing and decided that maybe silence was the best thing right now. We just sat there for what seemed like forever , the clock was ticking very loud and the storm getting closer. 
" Could we atleast discuss ending the contract? " i asked
" I dont know, i haven't decided yet " He said and leaned back in his chair.
"Decided what?"
"How to do this exactly. I could sue you for thousands or i could let you off the hook. " he said , not even looking at me, his eyes wandered elswhere.
" Im guessing the first one ? Although it would be qute public ,these lawsuits are hard to hide these days" i said.
" Exactly, so dont you think for a second that i am doing this for your wellbeing." He said in a stern voice. It was a bit scary how distant and cold he felt. Maybe it was the museum, or maybe it was me.
" This? So you have decided?"
" Yes , June you are free to go"
" Great, thanks"i said
" Good" he replied. "Oh and also if you speak out about all of this.."
"Then you will sue me for millions or whatever. Got it, wont be speaking about it, i heard thats a good way to forget something" - i said. He looked at me ,but this time it was me who looked away, his stare was too insane.
" Its funny how you talk your shit but cant even look at me" - he chuckled in a sarcastic tone. I instantly looked at him to prove him wrong.
" Its a bit hard to hold eyecontact with someone who....after everything, its just hard. Besides you look like you want to kill me" i said and broke the eyecontact. Oh my god i really could not hold it with him, maybe i've gone soft.
" Maybe i do" he said and went back to writing but after a minute he cut the silence.
" I just need to know one thing " Zak said and startled me with his stern voice. He got up from the chair and looked outside the window.
"What?" I asked
" What do you really want? To leave and dissapear ?" He asked facing the window. I could see his face in the reflection of the window, still no expressions yet the air got more tense.
" No, i never wanted that. I love it here, i loved working here and if it was any different i would stay." I replied. Still no emotions on his face.
" Then stay. ill stop laying into you, you will stop getting on my nerves and we can manage this. " he spoke in a soft voice.
" I find it hard to believe that we could get along after everything ,Zak. How can i know that i wont be packing my bags again in a month? "
"There is no guarantee, but i bet its easier than running away and starting a new life."  He said while still looking out the window.
"Is that what you want ? Do you want me to stay?" I asked him.
" I d hate to lose a good employee and i dont like saying goodbye on bad terms, even if i do hate you currently" Zak said.
" I can imagine that there would be a few rules in place to manage this... state your terms, Zak. " i said and laid back in the chair. It was amaizing how he seemed to actually care. He turned around and took his seat by the desk .
" Yes. I would have a few." He said and looked me dead in the face, like he was trying to read my expressions.
" Go ahead" i said .
" First, if we want to continue without any issues then no more of this, us. No more thinking about what once was, what could be and so on. From now on we would become strictly colleagues." Zak said . I did not heasitate with my response and kept a cold tone too.
" Agreed, what else? "  i said. In reallity we already tried this, but it was one sided. If Zak was on board this time, it could work.
" If we have an issue, we talk it out and solve it, also no teasing, harrasing or gaslighting eachother. " he continued in a strict voice. Its almost like he grew up over night or saw a very good therapist.
" Yes, anything else?" I asked.
"No. Now state your terms"
" You've made the main ones, ill let you know if i have anything to add" i said and got up from my chair. Guessing that someone was listening , i tried the door handle again. And just like that the doors came open. Had we really made amends?
The doors were slammed back shut by Zak's big hand. He rested on the doors and towered over me. He was way too close to me.
" I cant let you leave before i know that you will actually try. If you dont intend to then please pack your shit and get out before you kill me with your bullshit." He said while looking in my eyes, i had a hard time keeping eyecontact with his dark gaze.
" I promise to try Zak but let me add one more rule-" i said and pushed the doors back open and he stepped back from me .
" No more leaning against a door and breathing in my face like you do. If we are nothing, then so be it, but dont you come at me with your -" i said and pointed at him. Didnt really know what to point at, the abs , the height or the face.
" Won't happen again " he said. I thought that i almost saw a corner of his mouth lift up. An almost smirk. I was about to turn away and leave before i remembered something i owed him.
"Also... i would like to apologise about what i said, you did not deserve that. "  i said with my eyes closed. Saying those words felt like swallowing a huge brick.
" I also wish i could take back my words ,June. " he said and our eyes met again.
Sometimes i imagine myself with him again. What it would be like, how much fun we would have ,how much sex and how much love. That was if we had not fucked up the way we did, in another life maybe.
We agreed to not over think it and continue where we left off- ghost hunting .

○●○2 months later ○●○

The trailer stopped at the museum and we took a deep breath as we got out.
"Guys i need like 2 days to sleep this out , so dont worry when you cant contact me" - Aaron said and laughed.
"It really was a bit too much " Jay agreed. A tall, dark figure emerged from the trailer, Zak had woken up.
"If you think that was bad , you should look up next weeks location" Zak said and rubbed his face.
" If its a demon house ,you are very welcome to do a solo walk through this time" Aaron shouted from the back as he was unloading his suitcase and bags.
" Its what we need you for here Aaron" Jay laughed. Aaron shot him a fake angry look. As i walked over to grab my bag , i saw a beautiful woman getting out of an Uber. Her eyes lit up as she saw us parked.
" Hiii , ugh i missed you so much" She said and rushed over , as fast as she could in those  high heels. She ran past me and in the arms of Zak. I saw red before my eyes. It was like time had stopped. Took me a moment to process and turn away from the sight of them making out right then and there. The sight made me phisicaly sick , it made my stomach drop. I had not felt something like this in ...well in a while.
Digging through the bags i finally reached my suitcase and lifted it out like it weighed nothing. My uber was here, which turned out to be the same driver who just dropped off Zaks little barbie doll. I bet its not that serious, it cant be.  As the driver hurried to open the trunk and place my suitcase and bags inside, Zak called us all over to them.
" Just very quick before you go, i would like to introduce you to my girlfriend. This is Laura, you will be seeing her around quite often "  Zak said in a pretty joyful tone, he seemed happy. I grabbed Lauras hand to shake it :
" Hi, Laura, my name is June and i really have to run, but ill see you around, nice meeting you!" I said while walking backwards to my Uber. I wonder if it seemed genuene from me, i hope it did not sound bitchy or sarcastic. The Uber smelled like her, it was so strong and sweet, yet an oddly pleasant perfume. As the museum faded in the rear mirror, i thought to myself:


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