⇠How Much Is That Waiter in the Window?⇢

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The large white ship in front of me sent chills down my spine. Siliva built in my mouth as I swallowed thickly, while the waves crashed against the concrete pier. A low growl came from the carrier next to me, rolling my eyes I took a few steps toward the large vessel. "Listen I don't like this either, but Rebecca was nice enough to pay for this trip," I argued with a huff. The snowshoe replied with another low growl, shifting slightly. Sighing, I slowly walked up the plank and onto the ship, flashing my tickets at the bellhop. He gently took my tickets from my hands and then punched a small hole in the corner. Before gesturing further into the ship, walking a few feet meeting another staff member.

We walked down the deck, and a few minutes later we came to my room. The staff member pushed the door open revealing a large room, on the right of the room was a small dresser next to it was a queen-sized bed. I slowly walked into the room, next to the door was a small breakfast bar, with a coffee maker. Setting the carrier onto the bed, I ran a hand over the small desk, which was littered with different fliers for different restaurants on the ship. "We hope you enjoy your stay." The member bowed before closing the door behind him.
I scooped up one of the fliers, eyes scanning the tiny flier. I unlocked the cage, watching Butch crawl out from the carrier. Shaking slightly as he plopped down next to me, and started licking himself. Smirking, I turned my attention back to the flier, my nose scrunching up at some of the names. I continued flipping through the flier for a few minutes and found a buffet in the back of the book, sitting up I small smile formed on my face. Buffets were the easiest way of finding something you liked, as well as controlling your portions. I tossed the fliers to the side, grabbed a clean shirt from my bag, slipping it on. Butch looked up at me, his tail swishing behind him, meowing softly. "I'll try and bring you back something, your too spoiled ya know," I commented.

Butch meowed again, laying his head between his paws and watching me leave the room. I wandered around the ship for twenty minutes before I let out a sigh, leaning against the railing. "You okay?" A soft voice behind me asked.

I spun around, meeting steel gray eyes. A tall male who looked only a few years older than I with blonde hair cut down to his cheek, his black T-shirt showed off his toned muscles. "F-Fine, just lost," I replied.

He chuckled lightly, causing my heart to skip a beat. "Whatcha looking for?" He quizzed, leaning against the railing next to me.

"The buffet," I answered shortly.

"Ah, Golden Tuna. Here follow me." He offered, pushing himself off the railing, and started walking down the deck.

I scrambled to catch up with him, panting slightly. "D-Do you work here?" I asked.

"Nah, just come all the time." He lied with a wide grin.

I nodded slowly, we walked silently for a few minutes. I lost track of how many turns and stars we went down. Until the taller male stopped in front of a small restaurant, there were only a few tables inside while the rest of the room was lined with different food lines. "Hope you enjoy your stay." He said disappearing up the stairs.

Blushing, I waited for him to leave before entering the room. I found a table in the back corner of the room. A waiter appeared next to me, jotting something down into their notepad, before setting it down on the table and leaving. I picked up the paper, then pocketed it quickly. Standing, I grabbed a plate and silverware and then started scooping different food onto the plate.

The first few times I grabbed small portions until my stomach let out a small growl. I kept my eyes down on my stomach, as I shoveled some fries into my mouth. "I really shouldn't eat this much? I wouldn't want to gain weight." I thought. As I finished the second plate I slowly pushed it away, when Rebecca came into my mind, she'd wanted me to enjoy this the best I could. I did promise to give this cruise a chance, as well as she did pay for the whole trip. Sighing, I glanced down at my stomach, which was already starting to bloat. "One more plate won't hurt." I thought once more biting down on my lip. Before I stood up the waiter reappeared once more, refilling my drink, his eyes wandered down to my stomach, and I could see the wheels turning in his head as he stared for a few seconds before walking off. My cheeks darkened and used my shirt to hide my bloated stomach. Grabbing the empty plate and started piling more food. I quickly scrambled back to my table scanning the almost empty room.

Letting out a huff, I placed the large piece of fish into a napkin and then set it aside before I began eating. The first half of the plate went down smoothly, and my stomach groaned painfully. Putting a hand on my stomach, I gently messaged either side as I burped softly. I continued for a few minutes before pushing myself back up and started shoveling the rest of the food down. Once finished, I set the empty plate onto the small stack, grabbed the fish, then pushed out of my chair and hobbled toward my room. Groaning lowly, while clutching my stomach.

Once back in my room, Butch meowed happily, hopping off the bed and greeting me at the door. "Yeah, yeah I got your fish hold on." I moaned, quickly unbuttoning my jeans and slipping on my pj's, setting the napkin on the dresser, I unfolded it as Butch scrambled to climb onto the bed and jump on top. I watched the feline for a few minutes before plopping onto my back on the bed, kneading my stomach gently. Yawning, I wrapped my blanket around me, falling asleep slowly.

I woke up a few hours later, Butch hopped onto the bed, crawling onto my stomach. Gently brushing his paw against my nose. Groaning, I swatted his paw away, rolling over and pulling the pillow over my face. Butch narrowed his yellow eyes at me, grumbling slightly as he stalked around the pillow. Crouching down, and slowly reached his paw out, batting me on the nose hard. "Okay, Okay, I'm up." I groaned, tossing the pillow to the side.

Sitting up slowly, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, Butch hopped down onto the floor, tangling himself in between my legs as I shuffled towards the bathroom. Flipping on the light, groaning slightly, as I turned on the shower I glanced down at my stomach, the evidence from last night was gone, and the small boat disappeared. Probably for the best. Stepping into the shower I flinched at the cold water, before fully emerging myself underneath once finished I quickly got dressed, feeding Butch before dashing out the door.

As I was walking around the deck, I scanned each area. Letting out a disappointed huff, the mystery man was nowhere in sight. I shook my head, pushing him to the back of my mind as I slowly made my way toward the buffet. I sat down, holding out my glass for the waiter. "Looks like we meet again cutie." A familiar voice chuckled.

Snapping my head towards the voice, my hand shook as the glass slipped out from my hand. The older male quickly caught the cup, setting it back onto the table before pouring the water. "I thought you said you didn't work here." I huffed.

"I had to lie, if I didn't then you would have never come here and I would have never seen your cute face again." He whispered. Blushing slightly, I quickly grabbed the cup and started gulping down the water, causing the other to chuckle lightly. Before leaving he refilled my water, before being called into the kitchen. I stared at the revolving kitchen door for a long moment before I stood and started filling my plate. As I was filling my plate, I blushed once more, eyes shifting from the half-full plate. I quickly walked back to my table, eating slower this time, eyes buzzing around the room watching the tall blonde waiter.

After finishing my first plate, I glanced down at my stomach. Burping softly as it growled loudly, I wrapped my arms around my stomach, as the blonde slowly sauntered over. "You finished already?" He quizzed cocking his head to the side.

"Y-Yeah I had a big lunch," I answered, trying to keep my voice even.

The older male hummed, eyes scanning my stomach. "Would you like dessert?" He questioned.

Swallowing thickly, my stomach growled once more. My brain screamed at me to stop, but my stomach demanded more. Pushing logic to the back of my mind I opened my mouth to speak. "W-What's on the menu?" I asked.

"We have a few cakes and puddings on the menu tonight. I recommend our dark cherry cake." He suggested.

"I-I'll have that then," I answered quickly.

The tall blonde nodded, and a large smile formed on his face, he simply bowed and disappeared into the kitchen. Reappearing with a large plate, setting the plate in front of me he watched me for a few minutes. The smell of chocolate wafted in my nose, I bit back a moan while the other laid down a fork and left. I watched him for a few minutes before I started eating. I managed to eat half of the cake before my stomach groaned painfully. Rubbing either side of my stomach for a few minutes, I leaned back panting softly.

My mind started imagining the blonde waiter sitting next to me, his caramel fingers digging into either side of my stomach, releasing the pressure. I moaned softly, as I continued eating. Once finished I pushed my chair out and slowly wandered out of the room. I could feel the waiter's eyes burning into the back of my neck. I bit down on my lip, as I walked back to my room.

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