↞Empty Heart↠

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Butch sat at the door, meowing, waiting for a few seconds before tilting his head and sauntering towards the bed. The snowshoe meowed again, batting at the bed sheets, before hopping onto the bed and lying down next to me. Putting a paw on my head, "I'm not hungry." I finally answered, face buried in the pillow. The feline meowed once again, gently batting my head, before standing and positioning himself on my shoulder. I inhaled and exhaled softly, "Guess I don't have to go to the buffet, there are other restaurants." I said. Butch stared at me for a long minute, rubbing his paw against his ear. Shifting slightly, the small feline hopped off my shoulder, walking back toward the pillow.

I chewed my bottom lip for a long moment, then sighed and pushed myself off the bed, slowly walking toward the door. My hand hovered above the doorknob and clamping my eyes shut I reached for the door handle before another image of Drake infiltrated my mind. Groaning loudly, I ran a hand down my face. "No matter what I do, he's always there..." I thought eyes flicking down toward my stomach. The small bump pushing against my slightly snug T-shirt sent different signals through my body. Half of my brain demanded I march down to Drake and demand an explanation, was the dinner a ruse? Was that how he lured men into false affection and then dumped them whenever they jeopardized his precious job?

I slowly slid down the door, tears pricking the corners of my eyes threatening to spill over. I quickly wiped them away, bringing my legs to my chest, then wrapped my arms around them. Setting my head against my arm, I inhaled once more, held my breath, then exhaled loudly. The room was silent for a while before a thought came to me: "Who said I had to leave my room to get food?"

Pushing myself onto my feet, I sauntered back toward my bed. Plopping down onto the bed, Butch let out a small yowl as he bounced slightly. I pulled open the nightstand's drawer next to the bed, shuffling through some of the fliers. I flipped through the pages for a few minutes before tossing them down onto the nightstand and picking up the phone. "Room service how may I help you?" A perky voice picked up the phone seconds later.

"Hi, I was looking at the fliers you guys have for the restaurants on the ship. I want a large pepperoni pizza with extra cheese and meat, large curly and regular fry with a large chocolate shake extra whipped cream." I stated.

"Of course, how many plates would you like for your party?" The woman asked.

Swallowing thickly, my eyes widened before returning to normal size a few moments later. "No plates please, we'll just eat out of the boxes." I lied.
"Of course, it'll take an hour for the food to be ready. Do you want the shake first and we'll refill it for free for you?" She questioned.

"Sure, that's fine," I replied quickly.

"Great! We'll have it up right away." She stated before hanging up.

I hung up the phone, eyes glancing down at Butch who was staring at me with his large yellow eyes. "Shut up, there is nothing wrong with a large dinner," I grumbled, laying down next to him. Butch shook his head, flipping his tail at me, before shifting on the pillow and falling asleep once again. Rolling my eyes, I rolled onto my side, puffing out air my mind began racing shortly afterward. "What good is eating going to do for you?" My mind snapped harshly. "You're going to get an eating disorder and then you'll get fatter." It snapped once more. Whining softly I gripped the blankets tightly biting down on my lip.

After what felt like hours, there was a small knock on my door, gasping I shot up from my bed raced across the small room, and tore the door open. "Order for Room 113." A small staff member greeted holding up a large styrofoam cup, and spoon.

Smiling I took the shake from the staff member, dipping my head before closing the door. I placed the shakedown onto the table, using the spoon to scoop up a large portion of whipped cream. Humming happily, I scooped my book from the nightstand while I licked the whipped cream off my bottom lip. Sat down in the wooden chair, opened my book, then finally took the lid off the styrofoam cup and started drinking the dense drink.

I read for an hour before my spoon scraped against the bottom of the cup, and my cheeks darkened as I let the spoon clatter onto the desk. The small bump pushing against my shirt was slightly bigger, pushing against my tight T-shirt, bearly revealing the underside of my stomach. Biting down on my lip, I ran a finger over the curve of my stomach as a chill went down my back, as I slowly moved my finger down to my navel, my white T-shirt stretched against my stomach, showing off how deep it was.

Burping softly, I gently dug my fingers into either side of my stomach messaging it. Leaning my head back I moaned lowly, as my stomach growled loudly. I tossed the cup away, lifted myself from the chair, and slowly shifted towards the bed. Lowering myself slowly, Burping slightly louder I let out a small whimper, digging my fingers further into the side of my stomach. Watching my fingers sink into my plush stomach, I bit back another moan, grabbing a handful of fat and shaking it.

Pushing my T-shirt above the curve of my stomach, I stared at my stomach for a moment, shaking it a few times and watching the bloated stomach jiggle. Butch stood, stretched, then walked over towards me, headbutting the side of my stomach. "It's only a few pounds, besides it's not like I wasn't chubby already." I scoffed sitting up. Watching my stomach take up part of my lap.
Blushing, my eyes flicked back toward Butch, who was cleaning himself. "Shut up." I huffed, and a knock on the door snapped my attention toward the door. I quickly pulled down my shirt, wining as the white tee snapped back into position, letting out a frustrated huff I pull down the shirt once more, stuffing it into my jeans before walking to the door.

As I opened the door another staff member had their hand reached out, "Oh! We thought you were asleep or something. Here's your order." They squeaked.

"Thanks," I said, taking the small stack of white boxes.

"No problem sir, we'll have you refill shake, up soon, we had an explosion with the ice cream maker." They explained rubbing the back of their head.

"That's okay, can I get a soda instead?" I quizzed.

"Of course! Rootbeer fine sir?" They replied. I nodded, watching them rush down the hallway, disappearing around the corner. After some time had passed I kicked the door closed, and the small room was engulfed in the smell of food. Setting the boxes down on the table, I grabbed the largest first before sitting down, popping the lid open I inhaled deeply before licking my lips. Tearing a slice of the pizza, I quickly shoveled it into my mouth, chewing and swallowing thickly. Grease stained my fingers, then shortly afterward stained the white tee as I wiped my fingers across the front.

The rest of the pizza went down smoothly, my stomach groaned lowly as I placed a hand on the curve of my stomach letting out a loud burp. Panting softly, I whimpered tossing the empty box into the trash next to me. As I leaned back in the chair, I shifted slightly letting my stomach sit in between my legs. I watched my shirt slowly roll up, revealing more of my stomach, I rubbed the curve of my stomach as I grabbed the two smaller boxes. Flipping open the lids, I clamped my eyes shut ignoring the stabbing pain radiating from my stomach. I shook my head, thinking led to thinking about the pain, it lead to...thinking about him. Pushing the pain to the back of my head I grabbed a handful of fries before I started shoveling those in my mouth as well.

The metal button of my jeans dug into my lower stomach, as I was chewing I leaned back unzipping my jeans letting my stomach surge forward spilling from the sudden opening. My thighs pressed together uncomfortably while my tee shirt was rolled underneath my moobs. I continued eating, the pain slowly radiating from my stomach to my lower belly until a loud pop filled the room shortly followed by a clattering sound. My eyes widened as I slowly looked down at my jeans, my belly resting on the now, open flaps of the denim clothing. My eyes flicked back to the now also two empty boxes then back down to my jeans, as my cheeks were dusted dark pink.

My stomach growled as I returned my gaze to the empty food cartons. My t-shirt squeezed my stomach and sides, revealing my enormous globe of a stomach, while my jeans dug into my sides uncomfortably. Burping into my first, I leaned back my head and moaned, burying my hands underneath my stomach and started rubbing gently. "Stupid Drake making me overeat," I muttered burping once more. Groaning I sat in the chair for a few minutes messaging my lower belly until the pain subsided enough for me to waddle to the bed, as I laid down I felt the bed sink slightly, I whimpered as I grabbed the blanket and pulled it over me.

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