↞City Lights↠

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Simon woke up to the smell of food, letting out a small groan the younger male rubbed the sleep from his eyes finding he was alone on the couch. "Good you're awake, breakfast is almost ready," Drake called from the small kitchen. Stretching, Simon walked into the kitchen, giving the other a peck on the cheek before swiping some eggs. Earning a small smack on the shoulder from the older male.

"So, what are the plans for today?" He quizzed, sitting on the counter watching the older male cook.

"I was thinking since it's our last day here and everything, we should explore the city." The older male responded.

"You don't want to stay in the hotel and go for round two?" Simon teased.

"As tempting that is, I am determined to get you out of your shell and show you around." Drake smiled.

"You're no fun," The younger male pouted.

"Promise the next city we're in, if I'm not working I'll take care of you." The older male smirked kissing the other gently.

"Take care of me huh, you make me sound like a pet." Simon snorted, taking a bite of toast.

"You are the needy one in this relationship." Drake chuckled, hanging the other a plate.

The pair ate silently, the older male looked at his half-eaten plate and then slid it toward the other. "I'm all full, had some leftovers when I woke up." He said, watching Simon eat. Once finished, the older male scooped up the plates and stacked them next to the sink.

"Why don't you go shower and get ready, and I'll make sure everything is ready for the morning." He offered.

Simon nodded, grabbed a handful of clothes, and slipped into the bathroom. Setting the clothing on the sink, he let out a small sigh, noticing a small scale against the wall, grabbing it he slowly stepped on it, watching the numbers climb. 310. Simon's eyes widened, when he first started this trip he was 250, taking a few deep breaths he wiped his sweaty hands on his leg, shaking his head while starting the water.

After the water was warm enough, the younger male jumped into the shower, his mind wandered back to Drake. Because of the older male he had gained sixty pounds, but he knew it wasn't all Drake's fault, there was the week he stayed in his room and gorged himself on sweets. Simon's cheeks darkened at the thought as he started washing his body, inspecting the beachball-sized orb in front of him, grabbing a handful of flesh, and squeezing. Now that he and Drake were together, how much bigger would he get?

After Simon was done with his shower he quickly got dressed, then exited the bathroom to inspect the clean room. "Are you okay? You were in there for a long time." Drake asked.

"Yeah, I normally take longer showers." He replied.

"Good, I was worried I'd have to bash down the door and save you from heat exhaustion or something." The older male joked with a boisterous laugh.

"Sorry to ruin your hero complex." The younger male giggled. "Where are we heading first?" Simon asked, following Drake out of the room, and watching him lock it.

The older male shrugging, pocketing the keycard, "Thought we would just see where the day leads us." He admitted.

"What happened to Darke who has to plan everything or he freaks out something bad will happen?" The younger male teased.

"Some people are worth changing for." The other replied blushing slightly.

Drake led the younger male through the city, letting him cling to his arm as they dipped in and out of large groups of people. Simon let out a small gasp, pulling the older male towards a shop, the smaller male pressed himself against the window. Drake smirked as the window fogged up, "Instead of fogging up their window, let's go inside." He suggested. Simon nodded quickly, rushing inside while the other sighed shaking his head.

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