⇠Home Alone⇢

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Simon scanned the small room, sighing softly and grabbing his backpack and Butch's carrier. If the younger male had to be honest with himself, he had more fun than he thought he would. He made a mental note to thank his friend for the suggestion. Simon wasn't sure what he had more fun with, though, exploring the world with Drake or the weight gain part of his trip, which left him with more questions than answers for the male. Would he continue to gain weight without Drake? Lose it and start over when they meet up again. Was the older male telling the truth, and once he's settled back at home, would Drake come and find him? Half of Simon scoffed at the idea; this wasn't a Hallmark movie, and the younger male didn't believe in happy endings. But the other half of him hoped he would be swept off his feet like all those women during Christmas who magically loved the holiday because a sexy man came into their lives. Simon sighed, flicking off the light, and slowly exited the room, setting a hand on the wooden door before heading toward the ship's deck.

Simon joined the sea of people as some staff gathered the guests' luggage and started bringing them off the ship. The younger male scanned the large area, finding the older male standing next to the captain's arms behind his back. The younger male stared at Drake for a long moment, until he turned his head, locking his eyes with Simon. They stared briefly before Drake dipped his head and smiled softly. The younger male felt his cheeks darken as he dipped his head, his eyes flicking down to his feet. Butch made a disapproving meow, flicking his tail before turning around and then laying his head on his paws. Simon huffed toward the animal, rolling his eyes. "Hush, you wouldn't be so grumpy if I found you a nice female to be with," Simon commented. 

After the captain gave a short speech, the sea of people clapped, then followed the staff toward the exit, grabbing small gift bags as they grabbed their luggage. As Simon slowly walked down the boardwalk, he met Drake's eyes. Dipping his head toward the male, a shiver shot up the younger male's spine as they touched his hands. "Thank you for everything," Simon whispered.

"Anytime, I'll find you as soon as I get settled back home," Drake answered.

"Can I have your number so we can still talk?" Simon asked, following the older male towards his small pile of luggage.

The older male chuckled, pulling a pen from his apron, and gently jotted down his number on the other male's hand. "See you soon..." He whispered, pecking the male's cheek before walking back onto the ship.


Three days later, Simon returned to work. Everyone was shocked at how much bigger the younger male was than when he left. But happy he had fun, walking back to his desk. Simon glanced at the desk, sighing as he sat down. The chair creaked under his weight, and Simon winced slightly as he booted up his computer. Rummaging through his bag, he pulled out the few things Drake bought for the younger male on their trip. Simon pulled out a few of the pictures of him and Drake, staring down at them for a few moments before setting them on his desk. The younger male didn't hear Rebecca appearing next to him. "Am I going to get to know the story?" The woman asked, leaning on the small wall.

"Nope, this one is only for myself," Simon replied.

Rebecca pouted, "How am I supposed to be your best friend if you don't tell me everything?" She asked.

"That's the point; I tell you everything. I want to keep this one to myself. Besides, I don't even know if this will work out; he travels a lot because of work." The male answered.

"Why didn't you stay then?" She asked, holding out a hand.

"You only paid for the year, plus our relationship isn't acceptable since he's an employee," Simon explained.

Rebecca made a noise in the back of her throat, rolling her eyes. "That's what makes it fun; sure, it stinks when people find out, but then you don't need to hide anymore, and if they have a problem with it, then it's their problem," Rebecca explained with a shrug.

"He promised he would come find me after he got settled at home," Simon said.

"Did he at least give you his number?" The woman asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Of course, I'm not stupid." The younger male said:

"Did you make sure it was a real number and not a fake one? He could have been a murderer or something." She argued.

Simon rolled his eyes and said, "I doubt that Butch liked him." He stated.

"Butch likes anyone who gives him food." Rebecca snorted before spinning on her heels and heading back toward her desk.


By the time Simon clocked off and started driving home, he was too tired to keep his eyes open. The younger male's stomach growled, setting a hand on his stomach. Simon sighed before swiftly finding a nearby drive-through. After ordering, the male found a parking spot and started eating. As the younger male ate, he glanced down at his phone, and an idea struck him. Simon positioned his phone in his steering wheel, pushing his seat back as far as it could, giving his belly very little room as it gently pushed against the wheel.

This time Simon started eating with Gutso as he pressed record on his phone, moaning and groaning as he ate while playing with his belly with one hand. The first three burgers went down smoothly, but by the time the younger male got to the fifth, he started slowing down, panting heavily as he pulled his jeans down to his hips. He let out a sigh of relief as his belly surged forward, leaning his head back against his seat. Simon set the half-eaten burger on the curve of his stomach. Turning his attention to the jeans button that had been digging into his lower belly for a few minutes now. Another thought struck Simon as a smirk formed on his face: if he popped the button and sent it to Drake, the older male would flip and come find him faster.

Simon started eating again, counting six burgers in total. He didn't even know why he ordered so much food; if he had to be honest, he just wanted to feel full again. He missed the tightness in his stomach whenever he ate too much, and he also missed Drake's fingers kneading his belly and whispering in his ear until he fell asleep. So Simon continued to eat; once he was finished with his burgers, he moved on to his fries, scarfing handfuls into his mouth and then taking large gulps of his drink. Burping loudly, the younger male shifted slightly, letting his large belly sit between his plump thighs. Simon's eyes shifted down to his thighs, poking and prodding them for a few moments as different emotions washed over him.

Running his finger over a large tear in the inside of his thigh, showing off his boxers slightly, the male made a mental note to buy more since the ones he had were cutting into his hips now. Simon continued eating, burping into his fist while moaning Drake's name until a loud tear echoed through the small car. The younger male's eyes shot down to his lap, noticing the flaps of his jeans were now open. Simon glanced around the car, not finding the button. Sighing,  the younger male gently lifted his belly, finding the metal button tucked underneath. Simon held up the bent button, examining it for a few minutes before tossing it into the cupholder. He leaned back as far as he could as his belly took over his lap.

Whimpering softly as Simon cradled his taut stomach, his pale flesh pink from tightness, the younger male ran a finger over his belly button, shivering slightly as his whimpers melted into low moans. Exhaustion suddenly hit Simon as he sucked down the remainder of his drink, letting his head lop to one side as he whimpered Drake's name until sleep finally took the younger male. 

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