Part 6

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"Inko it's been forever why haven't you been responding to my messages! I went over to your house multiple times but no one was ever home!" The male voice said

"WhO tH3 H3Ll Ar3 Y8U?" A glitchy voice responded

"Wha-What?" The voice asked confused as to who this was and what they were saying

Suddenly the line cut and everything was quiet

Izuku put the phone down on the floor then picked up his foot and destroyed it with one great stomp that probably shook the entire building maybe

Then Izuku left leaving the door unlocked since no one would ever be home again

Inko had long since been dead

Izuku had killed her :)

He headed back to where he usually stayed

Once he got to the roof he noticed he had left his phone

He walked over to it and noticed many messages most worried

DemonChimera/ @spirit i have my next questions

No response

RatedR/ @spirit?

Then the spamming began

WallsBuildup/ we're sorry if we made you upset please don't ignore us!!

Support/ did we anger you?

RatedR/ we're sorry if we did!

Therapist/ please @spirit

NeverMiss/ kid don't ignore us!

LoudMouth/ @spirit ignoring him but not us please!

SleepySlothCat/ the kids probably busy leave him be 🙄

DemonChimera/ please respond when you can @spirit

Then the messages had ended and everyone got offline

Spirit wondered if he should respond he had slept but he was still tired

I'll respond Tomorrow
spirit decided

He then laid down on the roof and put his phone next to his head and fell into the first nice slumber he had in quite some time

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