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The official launch of Love Mission 𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 has finally happened

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The official launch of Love Mission 𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 has finally happened. Each man can be seen studying the area as they make their way to the house where they would spend the next 21 days. They were all carrying their bags and there was a real anticipation in the air.

 They were all carrying their bags and there was a real anticipation in the air

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Finally, everyone entered. Zhang Hao stated, "This place is beautiful," and most of them agreed. The staff now instructed everyone to take a seat. The boys sat in awkward silence, some of them looking around the room, others at the other participants, and still others staring at the ground as if it was the most interesting thing. However, two of them were not so far from each other and had a knowing expression on their faces.


The staff program calls Sung Hanbin and Zhang Hao for a quick meeting. They are both still unaware of the reason.

The staff then clarified that "I invited you here to offer you a mission. If you succeed, you will each get 5 million won as a reward."

They both gasp in a confused manner. "Sure, you did hear me", the staff said laughing.

"So what is the mission ?", Hanbin questioned

"Thank you for your asking, you two should act as if you're already dating"

Given that Sung Hanbin and Zhang Hao have already decided to complete the mission, what could possibly go wrong ?. In order to prevent them from becoming suspicious, they have discussed a possible explanation for their relationship and shared personal information.

End of flashback

The participants were informed by the crew that filming would soon begin and that they all should prepare.

(This emoji indicated
that they are filming)

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