DAY 11 - PART 1

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- flashback to yesterday meeting with the hosts

As the days passed, the host gathered  for an impromptu meeting. "Okay guys, you all know that they are few days left," Jimin began. "I really think we need to spice things up."

Taehyung, spoke up, his voice laced with anticipation. "What about overnight dates ?", he proposed.

"What do you mean ?", Jimin questioned, intrigued.

"Basically, the contestants spend the night together in a luxurious location," Taehyung explained. "Today, each contestant chose who they wanted to go on a date with. Maybe we should select the pairings based on the result."

"I agree!", Yoongi exclaimed.

"That sounds like a great idea," Hoseok added.

Namjoon nodded in agreement. "Yes, I agree."

"But what about those who didn't get chosen by anyone?", Jin asked with concern.

"I can pair up with one of them," Taehyung offered, a sly smile playing on his lips.

"Taehyung stop!", Hoseok exclaimed, laughing.

"Well, unfortunately Taehyung, it's not possible," Jimin said, smiling. "Then let's do this."

The group quickly got to work organizing the overnight dates. They discussed and came up with the pairings, ensuring to match people who had shown interest in each other and those who hadn't gotten a chance to spend much time together.

"Okay then it's settled, I will tell the contestants tomorrow morning," Jimin said, and they all nodded.

And with that, they all went to get some rest for the next day. It was going to be an exciting one.

Taerae and Jeonghyeon were both in the kitchen. "Good morning, Taerae !", Jeonghyeon greeted him.

"Good morning, Jeonghyeon. How are you feeling today?",  Taerae spoke as they sat down to have breakfast.

"I'm doing pretty well. How about you?" Jeonghyeon replied with a smile.

Taerae nodded, "I'm doing well too. I wanted to talk to you about something."

Jeonghyeon furrowed his brows, "What is it? Did something happen?"

Taerae sighed, "No, it's just that we didn't finish our conversation from yesterday."

"Oh, right. You were asking me about who I like," Jeonghyeon said, suddenly feeling a little anxious.

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