DAY 10 - PART 2

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Date 1
(Jiwoong and Anonymous)

Entering the restaurant, Jiwoong was a little nervous about who he would be eating with. He saw someone he knew as he was walking, and Jiwoong remarked, "I think I know who that is."

"Good afternoon, Jiwoong," the man said as Jiwoong approached him.

Jiwoong questioned, "What are you doing here?"

"We're going on a date," he answered, adding, "I think you should take a seat first."

Jiwoong's eyes widen in surprise. "A date with me?", he asked. It was unbelievable to him.

"Well, I simply wanted to have a conversation with you. I have things to say," he said.

Jiwoong hesitated for a moment, but then decided to take a seat. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to hear him out.

"Okay, what do you want to talk about?", Jiwoong asked.

"Let's tell them what we want to eat first". After they had both told the waiter what they would like to eat, he quickly asked, "So are you liking this mission ?"

Jiwoong began, "Hanbin, I want to apolo..." but he interrupted him.

With an irritated tone, Hanbin said, "I know you are on a mission, but was kissing him really compulsory ??"

"It wasn't supposed to happen, it was just a spur of the moment thing," Jiwoong said after taking a long breath. "I apologize if it caused you any discomfort."

Hanbin asked, "Will you be happy if I kissed Matthew?"

"No, of course not", Jiwoong replied in a sincere tone.

"That is what I am saying." Feeling furious, Hanbin asked, "Why would you kiss him when you know that there is something going on between me and Hao?"

Jiwoong felt a pang of guilt in his heart. He knew that he had overstepped his boundaries and that he had hurt Hanbin. "I understand that I made a mistake, but please don't be mad at me. I didn't mean to hurt you", Jiwoong apologized sincerely.

"I mean, do you maybe like him ? Answer truthfully please", Hanbin asked.

Jiwoong thought for a moment before replying, "I don't know. I was just caught up in the moment and it felt nice. But I don't have feelings for him like that."

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