DAY 11 - PART 3

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"Because I saw you two fuck*ing each other last week," Ricky shouted, the words spilling out of him.

"HOLY SHIT ?!??", Woongki stated.

"I think I'm having an headache right now !!!", Wonbin said.

Gyuvin's face, which had been filled with confusion moments before, changed into a furious expression. He pushed Ricky, but Hanbin quickly blocked and pulled Gyuvin's arms behind his back.

"Gyuvin, calm down," Hanbin said, his tone surprisingly calm. "Let's talk about it calmly."

"Calmy?" Gyuvin exclaimed, fighting against Hanbin's grip. "He lied to me. He made up things about you to make me dislike you! How can you stay so calm?"

"Because," Hanbin said, his gaze fixed on Gyuvin, "I know Ricky is not a liar. He's simply jealous"

Gyuvin stared at him, a flicker of something, perhaps doubt, appearing in his eyes.

"I saw you two," Ricky said, his voice trembling. "Last week, in one of the empty rooms, late in the night."

"We were just...talking," Hanbin said, his tone softening slightly. "Gyuvin had a bad day, and I was comforting him."

"Comforting him?", Ricky scoffed. "You were practically on top of him. I saw you."

The tension in the room reached its peak as the accusations spiraled out of control. Jimin suddenly intervened, "I want to clarify this," he said. "Yes, Gyuvin and Hanbin were in a room late in the night together, but we didn't see them doing anything. The only thing we saw was them hugging each other."

"I don't care if they were hugging or not," Ricky exclaimed and said to Gyuvin. "I'm tired of you spending so much time with your supposed ex boyfriend"

"So because it's my ex-boyfriend, I can't spend time with him?" Gyuvin said, his voice laced with frustration. "We're friends, Ricky. There's nothing more to it."

"Friends? You're lying to yourself," Ricky snapped back, "I know you two still have feelings for each other."

Jimin, intervened again, his voice firm, but gentle. "I think that's enough."

Gyuvin finally realized the truth. The weight of his anger, his accusations...was crushing him. "I...I'm sorry, Hanbin," he mumbled. "I didn't mean to accuse you. I was just..."

"It's okay, Gyuvin," Hanbin said gently, releasing the grip he had on Gyuvin's hand. "We all make mistakes, but I can't forget and act as if everything is okay between us."

Ricky, consumed by guilt and shame, watched the scene unfold. He had caused this whole mess, driven by his own insecurities and misplaced jealousy. He had hurt Gyuvin, and he had betrayed Hanbin's trust.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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