DAY 8 - PART 2

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As they gathered in the garden for the game, Jimin explained the rules. Each contestant would be paired up with someone randomly and they would have to complete a series of challenges together.

The contestants were paired off and the game began. It was a mix of physical and mental challenges, testing not only their individual strengths but also how well they could work as a team.

As the game went on, there was one couple who were dominating the challenges - Wang Zihao and Gyuvin. They had great chemistry and worked together seamlessly, winning challenge after challenge.

In the final round, it came down to Gyuvin and Zihao against Ricky and Jiwoong. The challenge was a test of trust, where one person had to be blindfolded and the other had to guide them through an obstacle course using only their voice.

In the end, it was Zihao and Gyuvin who won. They were both breathless and exhilarated as they hugged each other in celebration.

As they stood in front of the other contestants, Jimin stated the question they were all waiting for. "So, who would you like to be coupled up with, first Wang Ziaho ? Before you answer, I want to remind both of you that you can still stay with the person you are originally coupled up with."

Zihao looked at Woongki with a small smile, knowing that he was the one he wanted to be with. "I choose Woongki," he said confidently.

"Wang Zihao, you are now coupled up with Woongki, so unfortunately Haruto, you are now single", Jimin announced, and Zihao could see the disappointment on Haruto's face. But he knew that he had made the right decision for himself.

"Now, please Gyuvin, who would you like to be coupled up with?", Jimin asked, turning to Gyuvin.

Gyuvin looked around at the remaining contestants before locking his eyes on Wonbin. "I choose Wonbin," he said, a smile spreading across his face.

Knowing how much Ricky must be suffering, Woongki glanced at him.

"Gyuvin, you are now coupled up with Wonbin, so unfortunately, Ricky, you are now single," Jimin announced. "This is it for today, have a nice evening, everyone!"

Hao was in his room and he couldn't stop thinking about Hanbin, was he responsible of his departure, he thought ?

"Hao, are you okay?", Wonbin's voice interrupted his thoughts as he walked into the room.

"I'm really lost. I feel like I've missed something," Hao answered truthfully.

"Don't worry about Hanbin, he said he wanted to leave. It was his decision after all.", Wonbin reassured him

Hao sighed, he knew Wonbin was right but he couldn't help feeling guilty. He and Hanbin had been inseparable since they entered the show, and he couldn't imagine continuing without him. He had always thought they would be one of the final couple standing together, but now that was no longer a possibility.

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