DAY 2 - PART 1

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A gorgeous day greeted all of them as they awoke. Some of them went to the kitchen to make breakfast and greeted themselves, while others took care of themselves by starting out their everyday routines. They all suddenly get a message from the host:


Good morning to all of you.
As was announced yesterday,
you will all go on a date today.
The person you'll go on
a date with will be revealed
in one hour. So be prepared.
Park Jimin, your host.


As they all receive a message, they all went to their respectives rooms to prepare themselves.

: ̗̀ ROOM 2
(Matthew, Gyuvin, Woongki, Ricky)

Ricky questioned, "Who do you think you are going on a date with?"

"I don't really remember the names to be honest, but I think maybe Sung Hanbin,", Gyuvin replied

Woongki teased him, "Well you like him don't you?," as they all turned to face him.

"Hey, I'm not going to lie, he's incredibly gorgeous.", and they all agreed with Gyuvin's statement.

"I don't really care who for now", Ricky said

The three other men were staring at him and not buying a word Ricky just said.

: ̗̀ ROOM 1
(Zhang hao, Kuanjui, Sung hanbin, Taerae)

"I'm actually very excited for today," Taerae said and the others nodded.

Kuanjui admitted, "I'm nervous to be honest."

Hanbin reassured him by stroking his back, "Don't worry, everything will be alright"

"I already have my eyes set on someone", Zhang Hao said drawing everyone's attention to him

"Is that true? Who ? Inform us ? ", Taerae pleaded.

"Well, I'm not sure yet, so I can't tell you anything for now, sorry guys", Hao said while smiling

Sung Hanbin suggested that perhaps it was him but afterwards realized that everything between them is taking place for the mission's sake.

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