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All the contestants of Love Mission woke up, full of excitement. They couldn't wait to see what the day would bring. Yesterday, they had been given the task to write a love letter to someone they liked. And today, they would find out the outcome of their letters. The tension and anticipation was palpable as they chatted excitedly while brushing their teeth and getting dressed.

Meanwhile, in another house, Hanbin stood up from his bed and immediately went downstairs. He could smell the delicious aroma of breakfast and saw Gunwook in the kitchen, cooking. "Good morning," he greeted Hanbin with a smile.

"Good morning! And the food smells so good," Hanbin said.

"I don't want to sound like a proud person, but yes, I'm a good cook," Gunwook replied, laughing.

They both sat down to eat their breakfast. As they enjoyed the delicious meal, Hanbin couldn't help but be impressed by Gunwook's cooking skills. He then decided to start a conversation. "So, I wanted to ask, is there someone that you like?" Hanbin asked, unable to contain his curiosity.

Gunwook gazed at him and responded, "Well, yes, you."

Surprised, Hanbin smiled and replied. "You're quite straightforward. But is there someone else ? There must be."

Gunwook nodded. "There's Matthew. He's cute. And maybe Wonbin, too.", Gunwook replied, "I'm sure they are both amazing people. But I must confess, I like you the most."

"I see !!!", Hanbin responded shyly, his cheeks turned slightly pink, " Well, I've you been watching the show since the beginning ?", Hanbin asked him.

Gunwook nodded, "Yes, but here's the thing. All the latecomers, like me, have been living in a different house since the beginning. Love Mission only shows us what they want us to see, so we don't know everything."

Hanbin's mind raced. Gunwook didn't know about the mission that he has with Hao, for sure.

Suddenly, a message appears on both of their phones telling them to head straight to the living room to view the footage of the main house. They followed the instructions and were waiting for the video.


As they gathered in the living room, they couldn't help but speculate and discuss who wrote to whom. Some were nervous, while others were confident that their letters would be well received. The atmosphere was charged with nervous energy as they waited for Jimin to announce the results.

Just then, Jimin entered the living room with a warm smile on his face. "Good morning," he greeted cheerfully, instantly putting the contestants at ease. They all greeted him back.

"I'm not going to waste your time, let's start with the letters," Jimin stated, holding a large stack of envelopes in his hand. The moment of truth had arrived. "So let me start announcing who got the most letters", Jimin said and then continued, "We actually have a tie", he announced.

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