Fight to Live

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Everyone stared at Elizabeth, dazed. I smiled as I looked down at her as well. I was so happy she was home. She was mine again.

"When I say your name take off your cloak and tell her how your related." I said.

"What if some of us aren't related." A voice asked.

"Then say that." I responded.

"Who is she?" Jason's voice spoke.

"My daughter. Elizabeth Bianca Di Angelo." I grinned. "Ten hunt!"

Everyone instantly jumped into position and Nico appeared with Branson and Parker. Parker ran to Percy's arms while Branson stayed in Nico's.

"Hazel." I ordered.

She stepped up and her mask fell.

"I am your Aunt. Your Fathers half-sister." Hazel said.

Elizabeth ran up and hugged her.

"Frank." I said.

"I'm your Uncle. Married to Hazel." He said.

Elizabeth hugged him as well.


"I'm your Aunt. Nico's older sister." She whispered staring at Lizzy.

"I remember you." Lizzy said then she shot forward and jumped into Bianca's arms.

"I remember you too, but you were much smaller." Bianca laughed.

Nico's eyes met mine and he had the biggest grin with tears in his eyes. Then we laughed. Our family is finally together.

"Ethan." I whispered.

"I'm going to be your Uncle soon. After this war." Ethan said.

Elizabeth hugged Ethan next.

"Jason." I said.

"I'm your 2nd cousin. My Father is Zeus." Jason said his eyes landing on me.

I smiled kindly as Elizabeth curtsied getting everyone to laugh.

"Piper." I said.

"I'm Jason wife, so that makes me your second cousin by marriage. I was very close with your Uncle and I knew your Father." Piper said.

Elizabeth smiled at Piper.


"I helped raise you. I've been best friends with your Mom since we met in Artemis' army. I've known your Uncle since he was fourteen." Thalia said.

Elizabeth jumped into Thalia's arms as well. Obviously showing she remembers Thalia.


"I've known your Uncle since he was twelve. I've been part of your life the whole time until you were kidnapped. I married Thalia so im your second cousin." Luke said.

Lizzy moved to Luke next.


"I helped your Uncle in a war a lot like this one. I built all of his cool rides. I tried to start your Mom on fire. I've known your Dad since we all got to the Roman Camp where I met Hazel and all the others." Leo smiled.

Lizabeth laughed at him.


"I'm your Aunt. Married to Percy." Zo said staring in astonishment, love, and shock.

Elizabeth smiled as she hugged her.

"Percy." I whispered.

"I'm your Uncle Percy." He then started tearing up, "I helped give birth to you and I helped protect you and love you. I rocked you to sleep at night when your Mom and Dad were busy. I loved you very much. You were my life."

He started crying as he dropped down and wrapped his arms around Elizabeth not letting go.

"Parker." I whispered tears ready to spring in my eyes.

"I'm your cousin. Percy's son. We've met before on Mount Olympus." He said.

"I remember you. I didn't know we were cousins, but I knew you were cool. That should have helped me place your Father. Your the son of Annabeth as well. She never liked me but you always stood up for me and played with me." Liz said.

Then I looked up at my family. Liz hugged Parker and then returned to my side once she realized that I wasn't continuing.

"Lizzy-Bizzy." Nico said his voice cracking.

"Daddy?" Lizabeth asked as she teared up.

Nico fell to the ground at the word Daddy.

"It's me baby Princess. Daddy's here." He said.

Elizabeth ran to Nico's arms, instantly knocking him over, but he didn't care. They clung to each other as Branson ran over and I picked him up. Nico was crying by now and so was Elizabeth.

"I have one more person I want you to meat." I said after I've given them like ten minutes.

Elizabeth stood back up and Nico held onto her shoulders.

"I'm Branson Percy Di Angelo. You're my big sister." Branson said.

Elizabeths eyes darted to me and I smiled with a nod.

"I have a brother." She giggled as they hugged then Nico and I joined in and then her aunts and uncles and then everyone else.

All of a sudden the horn blew signaling were under attack.

"Everyone in positions. Move, move, move!" I shouted instantly.

"What's happening?" She asked.

"I have no clue." I responded.

"Percy! Get Parker. Zoe, up to Chaos Planet. Elizabeth your with Nico. Branson your with me. Go!" I shouted then we took off in a dead sprint. Our cloaks and masks on and our weapons out.

"Galaxy's army you take the west side of the camp. Lightning and Adores army take the east. Gold and War take the south. My army takes the north." I said.

"Yes, Lady Royalty!" Everyone shouted and we took off in a sprint to the position.

All of a sudden I saw a young girl get grabbed by a monster.

"Nico get Branson!" I shouted as I sprinted forward.

I instantly swung at the monster not thinking. Instincts came in and I was just dodging and attacking at the right moments.

"We're out numbered!" Nico shouted.

"Go get Lady Artemis' army as well as Kaptans army. I have to trust that Elizabeth and Branson have been trained to the best they can and what I've done is enough. Kids... Meet your first war that you won't be hiding behind your parents for!" I shouted.

Nico kept fight.

"That's an order, Death!" I shouted.

"Yes, Lady Royalty!" He responded and then he ran into a black loop whole.

"Young Dude Di Angelo, go make sure that the Camp is coming to fight." I said. "Young Dudette Di Angleo, you have to go and get her to safety."

I hated the idea of my children going off, alone, in a battle.

"Yes, Lady Royalty!" They shouted and then ran.

All of a sudden it seemed like every single monster was on me and then I was on the ground being beaten. I felt my ribs crack and warm blood from somewhere then I was out.

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