Help Is Already Here

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After the Gods question me, everyone just sat there bored along side my family.

"Would you please help us?" He asked.

"Wait, help you with what?" I asked.

Everyone groaned and then Zeus said, "We need help finding Peter."

I stood and so did everyone else.

"No." I said.

"What?" Poseidon boomed.

"Gods, shut up for once!" Parker said behind me.

When I turned Percy had one arm wrapped around him and he kissed the top of his head.

"What did you say... Boy!" Poseidon asked standing up.

Parker instantly coward into his Fathers arms.

"I would sit if I was you. He has two of the most powerful beings ever here to protect him. You could never hurt him or even touch him and it would be a death wish to attempt." Percy said, his eyes not leaving Parker.

"WE REFUSE TO LOOK FOR PETER." I said then I waved my hand for them to fallow.

We all vanished into my portal. When I got up to Chaos planet it looked dead. Everyone was sad and in morning. I walked up to Smara and grabbed her hand. She looked up at me sadly.

"Lady Pierce." She whispered.

"What happened here, Smara?" I asked.

"Once you left. They killed Lord Chaos. His last words we're, 'Tell my children. They know!' Do you know, Lady Pierce? Who will be leading us? My Princess... We need someone to lead us. Our King has been killed." Smara sobbed.

Tears filled my eyes as I wrapped her in my arms.

"I'm going to kill them! I'm going to kill them all." I growled.

"Kill who all?" Nico asked.

"Who the hell do you think! The Gods started the war! The Gods killed my Father! The Gods are the only reason, all of this is because of them." I screamed then I collapsed to the ground crying.

"I promise Pier. We will get him back. We just have to figure out what he meant when he said 'Tell my kids. They'll know.' We figure that out... We'll be fine, but right now this place need's a leader. I don't know about you guy's, but I think Pier would be amazing at it and it is her destiny. I'm not just saying that because I'm her brother and I don't want to be a King, but because she's actually very good at leading. While I go down and fight the war on Planet Earth. She can come down and help us wherever she wants." Percy said.

"Only if my husband and son go with you." I said.

"Wait... What!" Nico asked.

"Don't what me. Just do it. I have to go except my role. You and Branson will distract me, and since I'm new at this I can't be distracted. Plus, Planet Earth needs you more than myself. No offense, Death Breath." I said then as I turned, a white ball gown appeared on me. I walked out of the castle and onto the terrace. "People of Planet Chaos may I have your attention!"

Since it's a place built off of magic everyone could hear my voice.

"Now that Father is has fallen. We need a new leader. While Prince Perseus is on Planet Earth fightingz I shall take my place and the rightful heir to throne. The council has chosen me while my brother and the rest of the Royal family will finish the war on Planet Earth." I said.

"Everyone, please bow to your new leader. Queen Pierce! King Nico! And the Second in line Prince Branson!" Percy said.

Every one bowed. The land instantly started to replenish. The land is connecting to my life energy, since they people have agreed to make me their leader. I just hope I'm strong enough for this... I walked back in and sat in my thrown that's when my army walked in.

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