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I was called to the Big House two weeks ago. When I got there Chiron brought me back to the office. Like any sane person I started getting a little nervous. It's never good to get summond to the Big House by Chiron. When we got in there I saw a boy and girl, most likely siblings based on how they were tearing each other apart. The girl looked up and her eyes landed on me and her expression changed from violent to inviting.

"Hey." The girl said with a wave.

Her voice rang out clearly and matched her beautifulness well. She had long brunette hair with sea green eyes. She was tall but not taller than any of the boys here and she carried herself well.

"Hi." I answered putting my hand out. "Percy Jackson."

"I know. You're a legend with our kind and up there." She said.

This instantly caught my attention which caused her to smile at me while the boy sat down and rolled his eyes in annoyance. This is going splendid.

"I'm Pierce Jackson and this is Peter Jackson. We're your siblings. I guess that's another reason why I would know about you." She smiled.

"What?" I asked lost. "Poseidon had two more kids?"

"We're twins, actually. And we aren't your half siblings, you idiot. Our Mom is Sally Jackson as well." Peter said annoyed.

Annabeth walked in looking around confused. She looked like she was about to ask a question but instead noticed everyone in the room and changed her mind.

"Hey Annie." I smiled kissing her on the cheek.

She smiled at me but then her eyes fell on my apparent brother and they didn't leave him. I was focused on the girl, however. She was sweet and she looked kind and loving. But to tell you the truth, I was getting quite jealous over Annie and Peter.

"Annabeth I'm going to show my new siblings around. Would you like to come?" I asked.

She questioned it for a second then she nodded and smiled at me.

"Annabeth, right?" Pierce asked nicely with a small glint that matched my look.

I couldn't read the look she was trying to hide and almost succeeding at. I just recognized the going. It looked like disappointment or disapproval. Her hair is in a pony tail with her bangs hanging out. She has the most innocent smile that I've ever seen and I feel like I've known her forever and I'm comfortable with her around me. I would claim her as my sister with no hesitation, already.

"Yeah, that's me. How old are you?" Annabeth asked.

"Sixteen." Peter answered proudly.

"Your a year younger then me. How have we never met before if we have the same parents?" I asked.

My brother just rolled his eyes like I should know this already. I didn't even know they were alive five minutes ago. My sister hit him in the chest and he grabbed it. She must have a strong swing.

"Well Peter was with our father and I was with Artemis. I was commander with Zoe Nightshade. She was my best friend and I heard you guys were friends with her as well." She said then she sighed, "The only difference between my position and Zoes was Artemis let her fight but refused to let me go out. She knew who I was and she knew I was to dangerous so I stayed on Mount Olympus. I never got to hunt with them but I was trained. All the Gods know me but I only trust three Gods. Artemis, Poseidon, and Hades." Pierce smiled at the memory.

I laughed at that

"This is our cabin." I said.

"It's beautiful." Pierce gasped.

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