Another Army... How Desperate Are We?

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Kaptan is in the photo above

Annabeths POV

We all ran to the top of Half-Blood Hill were an army stood staring at us. That's when Chaos Army ran up.

"Sorry we were up on Chaos Planet... Didn't hear the alarm. We were busy welcoming a new family member." Galaxy was saying then Royalty screeched, "Oh, my Gods! It's Erebus' army!"

Then she ran foreword and hugged the leader.

"Wait!" I shouted.

Everyone went quiet and looked at me.

"Erebus? God of darkness in the Underworld and the offspring of Chaos. Erebus was the dark region beneath the Earth through which the souls must pass through to get to the realm of Hades below. He is often used metaphorically for Hades itself." I said reciting what we learned about him.

"That's Erebus. He's my Father." A boy said.

"Who are you?" Piper asked.

"I am Kaptan. Prince of the darkness." He said with a small grin spreading over his face.

I smiled as well. It looks just like Percy's smile, the one I fell in love with.

"It's good to see you again, Uncle." Kaptan said.

"Same with you, Nephew." Galaxy said and they hugged.

"You guy's can live in our cabin. We can create an additional wing for you." Royalty said.

"We would love that. Thank you, Lady Royalty." Kaptan said bowing.

"Your welcome, Lord Kaptan." She answered with a curtsy.

That's when I noticed that Night wasn't here and Parker was on Galaxy's back.

"Annabeth. What is Parker doing with Galaxy?" Leo asked.

"I don't know." I answered then I walked over and looked Lord Galaxy in the eyes.

I never noticed it, but he had sea green eyes to.

"Yes, Ms. Chase?" He asked with Percy's smirk as he watched his nephew and sister talking and messing around.

You could tell he didn't care what I was going to say. He was just happy to see his family having fun. I don't feel like they do that very often.

"What are you doing with my son?" I snapped.

Royalty and Kaptan both started laughing with the other Chaos army behind them.

"I took him go see his Father." He said.

I gave him a wired look. He was in a Black and Green cloak with a freaky dark green mask that matched his eyes. We could only see his lips.

"You did what?" Peter shouted coming up behind us.

"Oh look, It's Prince Puffer Face." Kaptain sighed.

"What's with you three talking alike?" Frank asked.

"They're my Uncle and Aunt." He said as if that was the obvious reasoning.

"Oh, lovely! More of their obnoxious family." Peter shouted.

Royalty giggled again.

"You two are both Galaxy Moron's." She said and then Death laughed behind her.

"Shut it Galaxy Hole!" Galaxy shouted.

She tusked at him.

"Any who." Depression said getting us back on topic.

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