Camp Half-Blood

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Pier's POV

I hugged my brother and grabbed the things he gave me. I have gifts from everyone. I have Thalia's bow and Bianca's Arrows. Percy and Lukes most prized swords. And Zoe gave me a dagger. I know I will miss them all. Nico knowing that I was upset grabbed my hand.

"I love you, my Queen." Nico said kissing me.

"I love you to, Lord of the Dead army." I smiled then me and him walked into Camp.

I was shaking from nerves. What if they recognize me? What if the Gods sense me and shoot me down there? What if I have the chance to save them but my rage gets in the way and I let this world end. Then I saw a face I wasn't expecting.

"Hello, I'm the leader of this camp, my name is Annabeth. And this is my second in command Peter and my son Parker." Annabeth said.

Nico and I shared a glance and each other then I said, "I am Sun and this is Angelo, my boyfriend."

He looked a little shocked because I haven't called him boyfriend in 150 years. Then I looked down at my ring that I had on my ring finger and over at the one Nico was wearing.

"Nice to meet you." Annabeth answered then she looked above our head and Athena symbol showed up over Angelo's head and Apollos sign over mine. Annabeth smiled at us. "Congrats Sun, you have been claimed by Apollo, God of the Sun." Then she turned to Nico. "And you have been claimed by Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and Battle Strategy, as well as my Mother."

"Mommy, ask them about Dad." Parker said.

Me and Nico looked at each other and then back at the people in front of me.

"His Dad has been sending lost Demigods here. Every time a Demigod arrives here we ask the same question. Have you guys seen a guy with jet black hair and sea green eyes? His name is Percy Jackson? He has a girl traveling with him that is identical to him." Annabeth asked.

My brother is a Dad!

Then Nico answered with an amazing British accent, "Yes, we have."

"Where?" Annabeth asked getting excited.

"He knew you would ask and told us not to tell you. He doesn't want you to be able to track him down. Obviously, he is unaware of this little guy or else he would come to him. Percy Jackson would never abandon his offspring like The Gods do." I answered.

"Did he have two girls and a guy there?" Annabeth asked.

"The other boy is really pail and he has pitch black hair and dark brown eyes. His name was Nico." Nico said next to me.

"Yes." Parker said getting even more excited.

"I really liked Nico. He's pretty fun and really wild. Him and Pierce make a wonderful family." Nico said.

I had to think of how bad I missed Percy to not laugh.

"Nico? The same Death Breath that I knew. No way!" Annabeth laughed. I shoved down a growl as I just stood staring at Parker and he stared back at me. I felt like Parker could sense who I was really was, but I wasnt going to risk it. Death Breath was my nick name for Nico! He doesn't let anyone call him that. But he can't snap at her and tell her to never call him that, it'll blow our cover so we both just smile threw it. "What about the girls? Were they with them?"

"Who cares? My sister betrayed us for that monster. I do not wish to find them." Peter said.

Nico wrapped his arm around me, knowing that this would enrage me, then he spoke.

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