She's mine!

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I appeared down in Camp Half-Blood with Lizzy standing next to me. I held her close as she hid behind me and stayed hidden from the life around us. I walked straight to my tent and to my room sitting down. I held her close and smiled. It was so great to be able to hold my daughter again. I love her so much and thinking she was dead destroyed me.

"You have a little brother now." I whispered.

"I do?" She asked.

"Yeah. He's the dearest thing. So sweet and kind. You also have a cousin. He's so handsome. Acts a lot like your uncle. No questioning their blood." I said grinning.

"Really! When can I meet them?" She asked.

"Soon my dear. Very soon. But for now, it's time to go meet the army." I said.

With a high pitch whistle everyone appeared. My daughter though, stayed hidden with an assassin hat.

"I must make this quick for I am needed on Planet Earth. Everyone knows the story of Elizabeth. Well it is wrong. My daughter was not killed. She was kidnapped by the Gods of Planet Earth. And my sweet daughter has finally been returned to me and the rest of the people of Chaos Planet! Everyone please bow before Princess Elizabeth Bianca Di Angelo."

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