The Powerful Ones

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Present Time 400 Year's Later

Percy's POV

I chopped, sliced, cut and diced but I still couldn't find a weak spot in her defense. I hate having such a good advisory. But it does give a good challenge. I need this to stay on my feet.

"Come on, Perce you can do better then this." Zoe yelled.

"Thanks, babe." I smiled.

I glanced over to see her grinning as we continued to fight. Zoe and I have been married for a hundred years. It's a little embarrassing, I mean my baby sister started dating a hundred years before me. But now we're both happily married.

"Come on, Babe. Kick his ass!" Nico shouted causing Pier to start to giggle.

"Thanks, Death Breath. I'll try." She answered back.

If I called him Death Breath he'd try to kill me on the spot but the minute his little 'Water User' says Death Breath, it's alright, it's 'cuter' when she does it. It's annoying.

"How come we don't say cute stuff like them? I mean... You don't cheer me on like he does." I groaned.

"We do our own cute stuff. Plus, it's only be cute when Nico does it." Zoe replied.

Finally, Pier eventually got bored and she lost her train of thought and I used the trick that Luke taught me when I was twelve against her. I now have her weapon and she didn't even care. She just skip's away.

Then Bianca and Luke came running in shouting, "Powerful Ones."

"Don't call us that!" Pierce and I whined as the others laughed at us.

"What's up Bianca?" I asked ignoring the others.

"Well Jacksons, Chaos wants to see you two." She said.

I nodded then with a wave of my hand cloaks appeared on us.

Percy: Blue/black cloak, sea green mask that blends with eyes.

Pierce: Blue/purple cloak, sea green mask that blends with eyes.

Nico: All white cloak, dark brown mask that blends with eyes.

Thalia: All white cloak, blue mask that blends with eyes.

Luke: All white cloak, blue mask that blends with eyes.

Bianca: All white cloak, black mask that blends with eyes.

Zoe: All white cloak, black mask that blends with eyes.

"Let's go!" Pier and I said then a portal opened and everyone field in.

It was Pier and I; then Zoe, Bianca, and Thalia; after them was Nico, Ethan, and Luke. Then when we got to the throne room, we all went to sit in our thrones.

"Father." Pierce and I said to Chaos once situated.

Chaos became our Father after the first hundred years of us being here, Chaos had fallen in love with us and he saw and treated us as his children. And since our parents bailed on us he thought about it for a long time. March 14th we got called to a meeting and he asked us if he could adopt us. We both instantly said yes. It wasn't even a question we needed to think about. To us he was already our Dad. In our opinion it should have been one simple statement: I am now your Father. He mixed our blood, chanted a spell or two and now on top of having our powers from Poseidon and Artemis for me. Our ability to fight has also gotten to be more amazing since we also have the ability of Chaos. We are pretty much untouchable. Then there comes the second and third commanders and they're split half and half except for Zoe. She's a Titan, and has Artemis and Chaos power.

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