Real life

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When I awoke I found I was in a cage. Looking around my heart stopped. I was in a cage. A guard stood a couple paces from me. I was to weak to stand. I think I have a broken leg, a couple fractures in my ribs, and who knows what else. That's just what I can feel.

"Guard?" I whispered.

He turned with a cruel look on his face.

"What, slave!" He growled.

"Where am I? What happened?" All of a sudden I grew panicked and over all the pain I stood. "What about Nico, Branson and Elizabeth? Where is my brother and his family?"

"You're in the Jail of Trouble Makers. You've been here since you were six when you blew up your home and killed your Mom, Dad, Step-Dad, and brothers. There is no one named Nico, Branson, or Elizabeth and neither one of your brothers ever got to have a family. Now shut up before I call punishment on you again." He said.

"I don't get it. I was in a war. My mom is still alive with Poseidon, my Dad died because of the Gods, my twin abandoned me, and my older brother was in the army with me. He had a wife, son, and a child on the way. Nico is my husband. Elizabeth is my oldest daughter and Branson's my youngest son." I said.

"Punishment of slave 0067193!" The guard shouted and a man came in and grabbed me and then intense pain came from there.

Percy's POV

I was fighting as hard as I could then I felt it. My connection with Pierce suddenly activated and I felt everything she did.

"Pierce..." I whispered.

Annabeth and her Camp ran up towards me.

"Parker!" Annabeth screamed.

Parker looked over my shoulder and smiled. I saw Young Dude Di Angelo next to Annabeth and then Death with Artemis' girls and Kaptan's boys charging at us with Young Dudette Di Angelo. My sister was no where to be seen.

"No!" I screamed.

Parker fell of my back and I started running past everyone. The Camp turned confused and they all froze and got in my way. It felt like slow motion as I tried to push threw them. They were just standing in a none moving crowd, making it so I couldn't get to my sister. Then I got to Nico's groups and he saw the look on my face and turned confused. I charged past them, anything and everything that was evil that got in my way I killed in the easiest and most painful way possible.

"Royalty!" I screamed as I saw a bright light. "Pierce!"

Pierce was laying unconscious on the ground and standing there was Zeus.

"Percy Jackson. We'll be back... For you  and your family." He said then he disappeared with my sister and all the monster back off.

"No!" I screamed collapsing to the floor.

Nico ran up behind me and realized Pierce wasn't there.

"Where's Pier?" He asked. "Percy... Where's my wife!"

He charged into the forest shouting for her as I just stared. Numbness took over. I had just lost my best friend, sister, army member, savior, and Queen.

"Uncle Percy?" Branson asked walking up behind us. I pulled my mask off and sat there. "Where's Mommy and Daddy?"

"Young Dude Di Angelo..." I whispered then I looked back and saw Branson grabbing at his stomach where there was a lot of blood.

"Bran..." I whispered as I caught him.

"Nico! Pierce! Anyone! Everyone! Pierce! Pierce! Nico!" I screamed instantly going frantic.

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