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SHE SAT THERE, at the wooden chair, not uttering a word

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SHE SAT THERE, at the wooden chair, not uttering a word. She totally did not expect this kind of situation yet.

She wasn't prepared to see Inui yet, but, here she is; right in front of the very man whom she wasn't prepared to see again.

Inui was on the same note, he didn't expect this either while he decided to stroll around in his break.

The both mentally grumbled as they both suffered from the awkward atmosphere lingering around them-- someone has to speak.

A few seconds then a minute, [name] finally decided to be the first one to talk-- she'd rather talk than be in this horrible awkward situation they are in.

"So.." [name] elongated her 'so' trying to think of what to say, "Why do you invite me over for coffee." She asked him and this caught his attention.

If he was gonna be honest, he doesn't know why he invited her over for coffee; maybe he just wanted to catch up with her and her life.

"I want to catch up with you." He mumbled while he stirred the cup of coffee with a spoon, seeing his own reflection on the beverage; an image of a confused man with a slight frown.

[Name] cleared her throat and sat up straight, both hands on her coffee-- she was so nervous that she didn't even get to have a sip of her drink.

"Sure, what would you like to know?" Her voice ever so gentle, yet [name] felt like she was going to pass out soon once she uttered those words-- she was that nervous.

"Anything, work, life, and so on." His answer was straightforward and so [name] felt complied to respond to his words.

"Well, I'm good, after I..." She paused for a second and let out a breath, "left, I pursued being a novelist and well, I successfully did." [Name]'s voice was about to quiver but she prevented it as much as possible.

Inui's lips turned upwards and gave her a smile-- a smile that says 'I knew you could do it.' and it made her feel proud of herself.

"I'm happy for you." His words were simple yet it cause such elation in her.

Hearing those words from someone who have heard all her endless rambles before about how she wanted to be a novelist-- to be someone who wants to create something so she can share it to the world of literature.

It made her so happy.

[Name] started to feel relaxed, she let out a shy chuckle as she scratched her nape, "Thank you, been a novelist for a good few years and I have published five books and it's been great." Her voice less tense now and her aura less awkward.

Inui propped his chin on his palm and drank his coffee, "I should read some of your works." Hearing his statement, [name] chuckled as her eyes darted everywhere in the small cafe.

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