Chapter two: the dragon raid that changed everything

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Athena sighed when a dragon raid attacked and astrid and the others moved. Athena put a fire out and hiccup was sharpening a sword. Athena went to put out another fire when she got attacked by a deadly nadder. Athena kicked the nadder off her and pulled her sword and she went to stab the nadder and then she stopped. Athena couldn't bring herself to kill it and she put her sword away. 

The whole village notice, and the dragon flew off and athena sighed and put a fire out. Athena and the others put the rest of the fires out and the dragon flew away with there food. A red-haired male walked up to athena "hey stoick" spoke athena and stoick crossed his arms and athena looked at him. Hiccup sighed and the others gulped athena looked at him stoick looked at athena disappointed "athena hofferson you are banished from berk and athena went wide-eyed and the village agreed. Athena sighed and stoick looked at her "go pack your stuff and get a boat ready she leaves tonight" commanded stoick and athena went to her hut and packed important items and got what she wanted and went to the docks.

Athena sighed and walked to the docks, and she saw the whole village and she sighed. Athena got in the boat, and she had water and food athena said bye to her old home. Athena's boat left the dock, and she was now traveling to who knows where. Athena sighed and looked at berk one last time and she was at sea and doesn't know where she is going or does, she even know if she is going to survive.

hiccup pov

I watched athena left and I didn't like that she was leaving she was the only one not mean to me. I looked at astrid and astrid sighed and that it was her sister that was banished from berk. I walked away and went home and ate with my father and I walked away and to my room.  I fell asleep and I sighed. 'Why did she not kill that nadder' I thought and fell asleep and slept.

normal pov

Athena was sleeping in the boat and when she woke up in the morning she ate some bread and she sighed. 'I have no home and I am in the middle of the ocean' thought athena and she sighed. Athena was wondering what she could do to entertain herself but found nothing works and she fell asleep again. Athena woke up five hours later and she looked around and she sighed and she fell asleep again. 

Athena woke up and ate some food and looked at where she was then her boat crashed on a island and she looked around. Athena looked at the crash site and stood up and took what she needed and she set up camp on the beach. Athena fell asleep after eating. Athena woke up and she decided to explore the island and she wandered around the island.

Athena went back to her campsite and she sighed and sat down and cooked some fish. A thunderdrum walked up to her and she gave the dragon a fish. 'Why couldn't I kill that dragon' thought athena and athena looked at the thunderdrum and the thunderdrum roared and flew away. Athena fell asleep after eating the fish and after a few hours athena didn't wake up and kept sleeping. 

In the morning athena woke up and heard a call and it sounded like a dragon and she checked the book of dragons that she had stole and looked through the book at every dragon but none discription of calls resemble the one she heard. Athena ate and grabbed some raw fish and walked into the forest and found amber and dragon bones.

Athena looked at the bones and amber 'what dragon can shoot amber' thought athena and she continued walking and she heard the call again. She looked up and saw a white dragon with light blue underbelly and eyes and wings similar to a butterfly 'what a beautiful dragon but what species is it' thought athena. Athena dodged the amber and looked at the dragon and it made the call and two nadders flew over and the dragon shoot it amber at them and trapped them it grabbed one and ate it. 

Athena went wide-eyed "a deathsong yeah thats what i'm going to call you" spoke athena and athena looked at it. The deathsong shot amber at her and athena dodged it and grabbed a raw fish and threw it to the deathsong and the deathsong sniffed it and ate the fish. Athena looked at the deathsong and it notice and growled "you are beautiful" spoke athena the deathsong stopped growling and looked at her.

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