Chapter four: people of aya

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Chase looked at athena "who are you" asked a blonde-haired female and athena looked at her "i'm athena" spoke athena and they introduced themselves and athena looked at them "get me out of this cage" spoke athena and snowflight walked over and freed athena and athena walked out "thanks girl" spoke athena. Chase looked at the two snowflight licked athena and chase showed the two around the chief of the island looked at them. 

Athena meet the people and was staying in a spare room in chase's family hut. Athena was reading the book of dragons and chase walked in and saw this and looked at the book. "The book has nothing about the dragon you had" spoke chase and athena looked at him "yeah I know snowflight is a deathsong" spoke athena and chase looked at her "a deathsong" asked chase.

"Yes a deathsong because of there call they call other dragons and shoot amber at them and eat them" informed athena and chase sighed. Chase looked at her "come with me I and the village got a surprise for you" spoke chase and athena followed chase and walked outside and saw snowflight walk up with a saddle on. "A saddle so it comfortable ride on for hours" spoke chase and athena nodded "thank you you guys didn't have too" spoke athena and they sighed. 

Chase and his friends walked up to athena "hey you want to help patrol our borders make sure berkians and dragon hunters don't hurt the dragons" asked ryan. Athena remembered berk and smiled "yeah I will help" spoke athena and athena hopped on snowflight and flew next to the others "so chase you ride on a gronkle, and ryan you ride on a skrill" spoke athena and they nodded. 

Selene looked "berkians are here for the chieftains meeting" spoke selene and athena looked at them. They landed infront of them stoick looked at the dragons in disgust and athena was lucky she had new set of armor the people gave her and the face mask covering her face. Stoick notice snowflight "thats a new dragon" spoke gobber and hiccup and astrid was with them "astrid have you ever seen that type" asked hiccup and astrid nodded her head no.  

Gobber looked at snowflight and athena sighed "well chief of berk it our first time seeing that species of dragon aswell" spoke chase and stoick sighed "lets get you to the village" spoke chase "I will take them" spoke athena and chase looked at her "you sure" asked ryan and athena nodded. 

The other flew off and athena looked at them and snowflight started to walk toward the village and the others followed "what kind of dragon are you riding" asked astrid 'as hostile as ever astrid' thought athena and she sighed "it's a deathsong" spoke athena and they got to the village the chief was waiting for them. "Thank you, ma'am," spoke the chief tony and athena nodded and tony looked at athena "follow me you are going to attend the meeting" spoke tony and athena nodded.

Athena got off of snowflight and they went to the great meeting place and sat down the chieftain from everywhere were there athena was sitting on snowflight. "So why are you nice to dragons they are devils" spoke stoick and snowflight growled athena calmed her down. Athena looked at stoick and remember the day he banished her and tony sighed. "They are just trying to survive" spoke tony and the other chieftains started speaking and tony tried to get them to quiet down. Snowflight roared and they quieted down and tony sighed. 

"Thanks" spoke tony and athena sighed "no problem" spoke athena and astrid looked at the rider. "Who is that" asked astrid and they look at the rider "I am no one important to you" spoke athena and hiccup sighed "show your face" spoke stoick and athena sighed "I will not" spoke athena. Gobber sighed hiccup walked up and snowflight looked at him and athena looked at him. 

Hiccup sighed "what kind of dragon is this" asked a chief and snowflight roared "this is a deathsong" answered athena and they looked at it "is it in the book of dragons stoick" asked tony and stoick sighed "I don't know someone stole it" spoke stoick and the others sighed. Athena sighed and tony had no idea who stole it and a roar came outside the door and chase and his friends came in out of breath. 

"Dragon hunters they got our dragons" spoke chase and tony sighed "this isn't bad we got a few here and the deathsong" spoke tony. Chase sighed athena walked up and sighed "its alright we will get them back" spoke athena and chase smiled "thanks" spoke chase and snowflight looked at them. Snowflight roared and they got back at the task on hand and tony sighed "get what dragons we have we have dragon hunters to fight" spoke tony.

Athena sighed "hey" spoke stoick and gobber sighed "let us help" spoke stoick and tony nodded no "we will finish the meeting the kids have this handled" spoke tony and gobber was worried "put our life in kids hand" spoke gobber. Tony sighed "yes" spoke tony and they sighed athena walked out the door with chase and the others "then let astrid and hiccup help" spoke stoick and tony agreed and they ran out. Athena was sitting on snowflight and hiccup and astrid got there "we are going to help" explained hiccup and chase nodded. 

They hopped on the dragons they could get and hiccup and astrid wasn't on any "you guys will have to share with somebody" spoke chase. Hiccup sighed and astrid looked at them and sighed "alright" spoke hiccup. Athena sighed and astrid looked at them "who are we sharing with" asked hiccup and astrid looked at them and athena sighed "one of you can share with me" spoke athena and astrid and hiccup smiled.

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