chapter five: dragon hunters

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Astrid and hiccup didn't know who to share with and athena looked at them "astrid get on" spoke athena and snowflight moved down and astrid hopped on and held on to athena and she sighed. Hiccup got on with ryan and they took off and they headed to where they saw the dragon hunters and they found the dragon hunters. 

They attacked the dragon hunters and snowflight trapped many hunters in amber and they landed and saw the dragons in the cages they got off and they started to free them. Athena freed a baby dragon and she looked at it and didn't recognize the species "hey guys look at this" spoke athena and the others walked over and saw the baby dragon. 

"It looks like a night fury and a white dragon mixed" spoke selene and athena looked at it "lets called it a nightlight" spoke athena and the nightlight roared and rubbed against athena. Athena pets it head and snowflight looked at the baby nightlight and rubbed against the baby nightlight and the baby nightlight roared. 

The baby nightlight roared and laid in athena's lap and chase sighed "you have to go to the wild" spoke chase and athena put it on the ground and hopped on snowflight. Astrid got on snowflight and the baby nightlight jumped in athena lap and chase notice "looks like she is coming with us" spoke ryan and they nodded. They all took to the skies and started to fly back and they got back and astrid and hiccup got off the dragons they got to the main hall and walked in and the chiefs noticed. 

The baby nightlight ran in and ran around and tony looked at it. Chase notice "its a nightlight we found it in a cage and the dragon hunters are gone for now" explained chase and tony sighed "why did you bring it back" asked tony chase looked at him "we didn't get a choice it chose and hopped on athena's lap" explained ryan and tony chuckled.

Tony looked at it "well athena you get to take care of it and give it a name" spoke tony and the other chieftains started to leave. Athena nodded and looked at the nightlight and thought about a name for her and hummed a little. Athena smiled "i'm going to name her oreo" spoke athena and they all smiled. (this picture is oreo looks)

Athena pet oreo on the head and she roared at athena and enjoyed the pet

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Athena pet oreo on the head and she roared at athena and enjoyed the pet. Athena and snowflight roared and rubbed against oreo and oreo rubbed against snowflight. Athena laughed and went to the stables and snowflight got into a stable and athena set oreo down and oreo ran up to snowflight and fall asleep against her. Athena went to her room and fell asleep dreaming of having a island with her friends and dragons.

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