Chapter 4

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Rose and Severus went down in a sort of cart to a vault Severus explained was for School and Education only. The main vault she would receive when she turned 16.
She did however notice that the movement of the cart was making her feel really sick and dizzy. An extreme feeling that she would usually only get during transport. She thought she wouldn't be effected by it while with magic.
She didn't throw up.

She got a bit of gold and everything before they headed back upstairs into the main room of the Bank. Still closed off from the public thankfully.

However, this time she wasn't as lucky. She rushed to the nearest bin and instantly threw up everything she had in her stomach from eating this morning and probably last night too.
Severus was stood back, just watching and waiting for her to finish. He couldn't rush thing's like this.

When she stood back up, Severus calmly walked to her side, handing her a vile of greenish liquid. She was confused about it, glancing at Severus.
"Drink it, you'll feel better." He explained.
She sighed, drinking it.

Nearly instantly, she felt better.
"Better?" Snape asked, handing her a napkin to wipe her mouth clean.
"Yeah, thank you... Professor." She smiled.
"It's alright, Rose. Your mother had the same issue. Now. Hood back on. We need to get you sized for your robe first." He told her. She nodded, putting the hood back on before following him out of the bank.

They got to the robe shop a little bit later...

Severus walked in with her and was waiting for the woman to walk over.
"Snape? Who's this young lady?" She questioned.
"I cannot say. Is it possible for you to close the shop or put her in a seperate room?" Snape asked.
"Of course... Follow me." She spoke, slightly confused but led them to a back room in the shop.

Severus then had her remove her robe.
The women's eyes widened instantly.

"Oh my... Rosealine Potter..." The women spoke, her voice above a whisper.
"Hello.. You can call me Rose." She smiled slightly.
"Come, let us size you up." The women grinned, helping her onto a stand.

Rose was then measured, which led to her clothing being made rather quickly. They left the shop a few moments later with the fresh robes.

They then headed to a bookshop.

"These are the books that you need." Severus explained, motioning to her list.
"Can I get more than just these?" She questioned.
"Go wild." Severus spoke, his lips going up in a grin.

Rose went around the store, grabbing tons of different books. She had around thirty, when she suddenly noticed a book with her name on it.

"Stories of Rosealine Potter.." She mumbled, clearly confused.
"It's a fanfiction, I believe." Snape explained.
"From what? I was in the Muggle world. Surely I am not being stalked." She shrugged.
"The book is mainly from when you were born up to you defeating the Dark Lord." Severus explained in simple detail.
"I didn't consent to this book." She complained.
"Most likely Dumbledore agree'd to it." Snape shrugged, unable to tell her anymore.

Either way, she bought her books and then got her wand. Snape then took her to get her potions supplies. He gave her an extended list that she would require. He then went through her potions book, making notes and corrections.

She ended up buying tons of items, even if not on the list and even if they were expensive or not.
She wouldn't forget the small smile on Snape's face.

Snape decided to spend some time with Rose before heading home. He got her ice cream before dropping her off at the Dursleys. She hid her supplies in her room so her family wouldn't be suspicious.
Of course, she had Severus look after her own during the summer. Or until the Dursleys knew.

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