Chapter 36

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Rose was sat infront of Dumbledore's desk, where he was sat. Then of course there was Severus and Minerva. Severus had of course calmed her down.

"I do not know what to think... Surely Mr Potter didn't actually do that." Minerva spoke.
"I don't think he did.. Rose, what are your views? He's your younger brother. You know him best." Dumbledore spoke.
"I... I don't know... It's hard to explain and understand. My brother isn't exactly innocent. I mean, he was caught right infront of the Crime Scene." She sighed.
"So, you don't know?" Severus asked.
"I have no reason to know. He's a growing lad. Who's most definetely going to be grounded longer." She groaned.
"Perhaps we should ensure Mr Potter is doing his ruiteen as normal from now on? If he becomes suspicious or is caught again, then we can take action and punish him." Minerva suggested.
"That's a good idea." Rose nodded.

Rose was allowed to leave around five minutes later, after having a cup of coffee with the Professors.
Rose headed up to the Common Room. Instead of staying in her own room, she got into a pair of shorts and a sports bra. She then headed to Fred's dorm and walked inside.

Fred, George and lee were sat on their beds looking at each other, talking about the previous situation at dinner.
She just walked over to Fred's bed before sitting behind him. Letting them continue their convocation. They finished before turning to her.

"So, what are you doing here Rosie?" Fred joked, pulling her against him.
"I liked sleeping here last night, so I decided I'm going to sleep with you again tonight." She shrugged.
"What about your roomates?" Fred asked.
"Eh, they won't realise I'm not there." She shrugged, pulling the blanket over her knees.

Soon, Percy knocked on the door explaining it was time for bed.
Fred joined her in the bed, laying down before gently pulling her to his chest. He kissed her on the forehead before letting her sleep in his arms. He soon joined once he was sure that Rose was asleep.

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