Chapter 47

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Rose smiled as she watched her uncle rush off.

"How about we head back up to the dorms?" Fred suggested.
"Sure." She smiled and nodded.

Fred took her hand before gently helping her up to her feet. Rose smiled and kissed him on the cheek.
"Thanks Freddie." She smiled, wiping down her dress.
"No problem, Love. Come on, let's get back up to the dorms. It's getting a bit dark." Fred told her. She nodded and headed up to the castle.

When they got up to the common room, Harry was quick to run down and up to her.
"What's wrong Harry?" She asked.
"I need you to sign my permission slip." Harry said, handing her it. She glanced down at it, reading it. She knew she couldn't sign it due to Sirius being out in the open. Everyone didn't believe her that he was safe.

"I am so sorry Harry. But I'm not aloud." She explained.
"Huh, but Percy said you were in the right year to be aloud to sign it since you're my only family member. Other than Vernon and Petunia." He shrugged.
"Harry. No. It's too dangerous for you to be out there at the moment. Even I'm not going for some time." She explained.
"But your allowed to go with Fred!" Harry yelled.
"That's the difference, Harry. I'm going with someone who is able to protect me!" She spoke.
"I'm going to be with Ron and Hermione! I'm not going to be alone." Harry complained.
"Harry. I'm the only one that can sign that bloody form so it is my choice. If I say no, that means the answer is no." She told him before walking away to go and get changed.

Fred looked at Harry.
"Can you convince her to sign it?" Harry questioned.
"Sorry Harry. Rose is right. She doesn't want you getting hurt and if that mean's not letting you out until Sirius Black is gone, then you can't blame her." Fred explained.
"I could go with you, Rose and George." Harry suggested.
"Not a chance Harry. Your sister needs a level of Privacy. And you hear her, she's not going either." Fred explained before walking away to his bedroom.

Rose got changed into some PJ's before walking to Fred's room, she walked over and sat on the bed.

"Harry's upset." Fred explained to her, pulling her against his body.
"He's only upset because I wont sign the Permission slip for him. He need's to understand this is for his safety." She explained.
"I understand... But perhaps you should give him a chance." Fred suggested.
"Sorry Fred, but I cant." She sighed.
"It's alright love. I just wanted to let you know about your brothers mood." Fred explained.

There was pecking on the window. It was Rose's owl. She smiled and got up, opening the window to allow her owl to hop onto her shoulder.

Dear Rose,

I would like for you to come to my office. We have told the Prefects that yo will be out of your dorm tonight since myself and Professor Snape with to speak with you.
Come as soon as possible.
Oh, and don't bring anyone else.
Uncle Moony.

"What is it?" Fred asked.
"Remus, he want's to speak to me. I've been asked to go to his office." She explained quickly.
"Wont the prefects yell at you?" Fred asked.
"They've been informed." She smiled, kissing his cheek.
"You going to change?" He questioned, motioning to her PJ's.
"Nah, they're family. It's fine." She shrugged, kissing him on the lips before leaving the Gryffindor Tower silently.

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