Chapter 38

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When Rose, Harry, Ginny, Ron and Lockheart returned into the girls bathroom with Hawk's help. Dumbledore, Severus, Minerva and Poppy were waiting for them. Minerva took Ron. Dumbledore took the now insane Lockheart once he managed to restrain him. Then Poppy took Ginny who of course had the help of Harry to walk. However, Severus remained, glaring at Rose with his arms crossed. She was in trouble.

"You disobayed me. Yet again." He sighed.
"I got dragged off. Yet again." She coppied.
"Why did you not press the bracelet?" He asked.
She sighed and looked down. "Can I get a calming potion? I really want to yell at Harry and Ron at the moment." She spoke, rubbing her forehead.
"Yes you may. Come on, let's take you to the infirmary. Fred is already up there, waiting for you." Snape spoke, walking with her to the Infirmary.

Fred instantly grabbed her when she arrived. He hugged her tightly as he kissed her multiple times on the cheek.
"Rose, your potion." Severus handed her a calming draught, which she instantly drank.
"You're going to get an addiction to that." Fred stated.
"I understand what could happen." She shrugged, biting into an apple.

In the end, they were told about the whole situation and Hagird was brought back to Hogwarts from Azkaban. Which reminded her about her Uncle Padfoot. She sighed.

Either way, Gryffindor got the House Cup because they yet again, saved the school.

"Rose." Severus spoke, walking into her dorm with Dumbledore.
"What can I help you both with?" She asked.
"You won't be able to leave the castle this Summer, Miss Potter." Dumbledore spoke.
"Huh, why?" She asked, glaring.

"The Weasley's wont be hoe and from what has been going on, it isn't safe for you." Dumbledore explained.
"What?" She asked.
"You-Know-Who made a statement saing you were too pretty to be killed." Dumbledore sighed.
"So?" Rose shrugged.
"What he means to say is that The Dark Lord isn't saying it like others. He's saying it because when he returns, he is planning to take you away and marry you." Snape explained.
"Wait.... What?!" She asked.

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